
Lipton Honey Lemon Green Tea?

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I have been drinking this stuff for a three days and I notice more trips to the restroom. Does this stuff flush the body of toxins or excess fluid? I really don't know much about green tea except it's suppose to be good for you. Can anyone tell me the benefits of drinking this stuff?




  1. Green tea rids the body of toxins that are in the system.  You are probably drinking large amounts of tea and this is causing you to go to the bathroom more frequently.  This would happen if you are drinking large amounts of any fluids.  You can substitute some of the green tea with water.  The benefits of drinking green tea mainly that they aid in weight loss as well as it is heart healthy.  I hope you remain drinking green tea.  Also try herbal remedies to help keep you healthy.  If you stay on this path as you get older you will find that you will be taking less trips to the doctor's office than your peers.  Good luck.


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