
Liquid recipe for kids to use when they are saying bad words?

by  |  earlier

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i heard about this recipe with 3 parts in has water, vinegar and something else in it.

it came with a saying that went..."if yuckies come out then yuckies go in"

does anyone know what im talking about?

oh, and i dont consider this abuse when my kid is 21!




  1. 21? Just have him or her move out!  If there is that much disrespect they belong on their own.  I say bad words around my mom and I'm 22 howeveer she taught that to me anyway!

  2. Well, A smack across the mouth will do... Alway's worked for me when I was once a lil' one.

    Buh Liquid recipe...

    How about Hot Mustard?

    Or Wasabi...


    Best Of Luck...


  3. If your child is 21, it is probably a little late to be trying to reprimand them.  If it bothers you that much, tell them either to not do it or move out.  Even if your children are grown, as long as they are still living with you, then you have a right to make the rules, and if they don't want to follow them, then they can move out and support themselves.


  5. mmhmm... hate to break the news to you, but what you're asking is called CHILD ABUSE now. you could have your child taken for this and go to jail, TRUST ME im not making this one up..for one that knows. child abuse/domestic violence.. your "yuckies" needs another way to get message across

  6. i've only heard of using white vinegar.  or hot sauce on the tongue.  or listerine strips.

    havent done it yet.

    but at 21 - he needs to shut it or move out.

  7. First off if he is 21 then why are you posting in the toddler and preschooler? Also if s/he is 21 then you shouldn't be disclipling them...they are a legal adult.

    Putting chemicals into any childs mouth regardless of the age is child abuse this includes soap.

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