
Lisa (Simpsons) or Meg (Family Guy)?

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Lisa (Simpsons) or Meg (Family Guy)?




  1. Lisa. She plays the sax.

  2. Meg.

    Lois is hot.  You always look to the mom to see how the daughter will turn out.

  3. psshh neither! but if i had to choosee,lisa she plays sax!

  4. I never cared for the Simpons even growing up.

    I'd have to go with Family Guy all the way.

  5. lisa... by far..

    she is way cooler than meg..


  7. Lisa she's cute, plays the sax, and she's intelligent!

  8. Meg because she's so freaking weird and it's hilarious how she gets quite a few jokes cracked on her.

  9. Meg

  10. i say it's hilarious how they make fun of meg but lisa is pretty much a b.a. cuz she plays the sax

  11. Lisa. Nobody likes Meg.

  12. theyre both dorks but i say lisa shes less dorkier

  13. Lisa

  14. meg from family guy. i think she's funnier and i like family guy better than the simpsons these days.

    what do you like better?  

  15. Hayley Smith (American Dad)

  16. Both are pretty... dumb... ha ha but i'd have to say lisa

  17. lisa & yes she is way better <3

  18. Lisa...

  19. Meg is funny. I love how everyone hates her.

  20. lisa simpson  

  21. Lisa. - i prefer the simpsons... most of the time.

  22. I choose Lisa.

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