
Lisa Williams/ America's Psychic Challenge..?

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what do you think? They'll air in a half hour from when I'm asking this..




  1. I really enjoyed both shows.  It was the first time I have ever seen Lisa Williams, and she was a delight to watch.

    The Psychic Challenge surprised me.  I thought the blonde man would win, but I was wrong.  I actually did not care for the lady that got second place ...

    I will  watch next week however.

  2. It's on the lifetime site. I watched about 4 episodes in a row, after about three she's not as impressive, says the same things over and over.......

    I think she's just a good guesser.

    edit, oh, I misread your question....

  3. If they have 4 different challenges, then it is safe.

    Say you play chess and there is a challenge with chess, volleyball, baseball, and basketball, then you should win one and claim the others weren't your thing.

    That is what will happen here.

    They will have 4 totally different trials and only if one psychic wins overwhelmingly all 4 will the others lose.

    I wish I got to do the one where Lisa Williams is behind the wall.

    I would do a reading as follows;

    " I see a giant whale like mammal. A very small head for its body.  I see like a pregnant David Bowie, whatever that means.

    I keep getting gigantic, gigantic gargantuan. except with a small head. Is it Lisa Williams?

  4. oh yea i believe in psychic ablies..... i have a form of it... i can tell anyone woman what the s*x of there baby is before they know and i can also tell when they are having a baby before they know it LOL.. my dreams also tell me alot of things too

  5. there is no such thing as a Psychic. Nor mediums, nor ESP. The military has researched this and discarded the notion of using anything related to Psychic abilities. They have been debunked over and over, yet people seem to believe anyways. Crystal balls, Palm readings, Tarrot Cards, ESP, are all kids games for entertainment purposes only.

  6. I think that no "psychic" is going to go on that show if there is any possibility that their lack of abilities will be exposed. So, I'm wondering what format these challenges are going to take. Perhaps if they pit one psychic directly against another, e.g., in some kind of psychic tug-of-war scenario, they can say that both psychics have powers but just that one is more powerful than the other. That way everybody saves face.

    Let see what they do.

  7. I had never heard of Lisa Williams before. She was a delight to watch. She definitely went beyond guessing.... she was very specific.... however, I would have rather been able to watch the actual filming of the show to get the timing of her predictions. By the time they filmed the segments she was probably quite sure of  herself. She does have rather a small head for that body, doesn't she?

    As for Psychic Challenge, I think it is a great idea. However, the Challenges that are set forth are strange. I did think that the Man would win and I also thought that blonde would stay... I think that it is hard for psychics to work under those conditions. I cannot wait until next week to see what the show will yield as they bring on more and more people. I am glad that they are having this type of show, and as time goes on and formats of the show change, it will be interesting to see how it unfolds. Could be a great thing.

  8. No I don't believe in her. I don't believe in psychics. I do believe that as human beings we are all connected somehow and that we do experience psychic abilities from time to time, but that they are of short duration and in some cases only happen to us once in our lives. Mark Twain had a dream in which his brother was dead and he attended the funeral. A couple of days later the dream came true. Does that mean that Twain was We all at times experience strange coincidences and deja-vu, or dreams of future events, does that mean were psychic, again no. The ability to see past and future events, or speak with the dead just means that we are all connected by the forces that control this world. Psychics such as Lisa Williams work with a series of, as the great Houdini put it, parlor tricks. The build up the event and people buy it. No one has the gift to constantly see the future or speak with the dead. We all have experiences ,but like I said they don't last and they are just a way for the force to let us know of our connections

  9. More intellectually lazy shows relying on the wishful thinking of a gullible and credulous audience.

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