
Lisbon treaty?

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can someone explain me one thing. (but no conspiracy theory please i already read too much ;) )

why, even tho ireland has opposed to it it is still being implemented everywhere else? wasnt it supposed to be signed by ALL 27 countries???




  1. i believe that Ireland was the only EU nation who's home policies required the citizens to vote.

    perhaps if citizens could have voted in other EU nations, the treaty would also have failed in those member nations.

  2. yes it does have to be signed by all the countries but Nicholas Sarkozy and all the others in charge are still getting it ratified, because Ireland will, they say, still agree to it. Apparently we're going to have another referendum, but let's hope not. The answer will still probably be the same

  3. Is it being implemented elsewhere? What are your sources for that?

    As for your initial question, the main reason why it was rejected in Ireland was because people didn't understand it or (mainly) its implications, especially on sensitive issues such as militarisation, tax control (for the Irish, their veto on EU tax discussions), etc. It was written in legal jargon (obviously, as treaties are complex legal agreements) and referenced many other documents. There was also suspicion that it was a repackaged EU Constitution, which was previously rejected, although interestingly not by Ireland.

  4. At Prime Minister's Questions, David Cameron called on Mr. Brown to declare the Lisbon Treaty dead in the light of its rejection by Irish voters.

    He said Brown must listen to the Irish people, asking, "What part of 'no' doesn't he understand?"

    It would be "arrogant and high-handed", he told the Prime Minister, to try to force the Irish to hold a second referendum, especially as the British people have not even had one.

    And he urged Mr. Brown to finally pluck up the "courage" to kill off the "half-dead" constitution, saying:

    "I have seen more spine and leadership from a bunch of jellyfish."

    Well, what part of NO was it he couldn't understand... the treaty is dead.
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