
List 2 Enlightenment ideas and how they changed Western Society?

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Please help me and list 2 Enlightenment ideas and how they changed Western Society?




  1. 1. Emphasis on human reason: The Enlightenment challenged traditional authority that was largely rooted in faith and religion. This belief that humans innately know right from wrong has led to an understanding of oneself and a general feeling of authority over one's own existence in Western Society. Reason gives human beings intelligence above any other social animal and it has largely stimulated intellectual thought today.

    2. Scientific inquiry: The Enlightenment led to a great interest in many studies of the sciences. Benjamin Franklin was one of the noted colonists that thought up many new inventions including the lightening rod. Through this invention he was able to prove that lightening and electricity were the same thing. Scientific inquiry and the questioning of basic ideas led to improvements in modern medicine that has greatly shaped Western Society. Also, the inoculation for the smallpox disease that threatened many native tribes in the New World was developed as a result of many of the ideas associated with the Enlightenment.

  2. 1. All people are equal. It led to democracy, social security, peace between (MOST) nations, and a fair go for all people. Its helped build the weath and knowlidge of all people as all contribute and are willing to contribute.

    2. Everyone is FREE. This understanding that we are not under the control of anyone but ourselves brought about many of the rights we have today, such as freedom of speech and political choice.

    The ideas are all pretty basic but at are vitally important.

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