
List 6 causes of under population.?

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List 6 causes of under population.?




  1. The two people above had stated low population density, not under population. As the 2nd person stated, it is the relationship between resources and people. For underpopulated areas, population is low compared to amount of resources in area. This area may have a high population density, ie population divided by area of country, however it is underpopulated as it has more resources than people. Problems could be higher tax for working group for dependant groups, lower employment rates, waste of resources/not being used, economy grows very slow. Unsure of any others.

  2. lalalalala

  3. Relationship between resources and population

    A geographical area will have what is known as a Carrying Capacity (C.C) which is the maximum amount of people that can be sustainably supported with the available natural resources. Carrying Capacity can change in time due to technology being able to deliver natural sources more efficiently. It can also change due to social development.
    For Example: In Indonesia after the Tsunami, many crops had been ruined and clean water was hard to find, so some areas might have only had a C.C of 10km squared, however once more economically developed countries and charities had helped put the country back together by supplying machinery for wells  which increased the C.C to over 50km squared

    Causes of Underpopulation

    Causes to look at:
    • Climate
    • Vegetation
    • Soils
    • Accessibility
    • Roads
    • Railways
    • Air
    • Water
    • Remoteness
    • Historical


    Many underpopulated countries are often like they are because of environmental factors such as: Soil fertility, climate, or relief of the land. Then without having enough people in the area, economic growth is restricted


    Underpopulated areas are sometimes like they are due to the climate that the area is situated in. For such an example is that Canada and Siberia having bitterly cold winters and the temperature may not rise above freezing point. So climates that are too hot, too wet, too cold or too dry are usually unfavourable places to live, so there is usually a small concentration only found in these places. Other examples include the wet areas of the Amazon Basin, and the hot dry areas of the Central Australian Desert. Most of these areas have a lot of resources but companies are not willing to base themselves there as they do not want to pay their workers more for working in such conditions, so economic development will not occur.


    Sometime vegetation can be the cause for under population, this could be as it could be expensive to clear the land for roads, houses and other amenities etc if companies have to clear vast amounts of forest and vegetation first. Examples of these would be the northern coniferous forests of Canada and Siberia (Taiga), or the tropical rainforests.


    When vegetation is removed in such places as Taiga forests and tropical rain forests, the soil loses it’s fertility as it is often washed away due to the tree’s not intercepting the rain anymore, this can deter people from moving into the area.  Soil conditions can also be a factor of under population, such as in Canada the ground is frozen so cannot be built upon, and in summer the ground is boggy. Both of theses states of soils limit what can be built upon it and how much it would cost to build.


    The physical relief often restricts the development of communications which results in a restriction in the population, leading to under population. When it is difficult or costly to get to an area, often people and companies will be deterred from settling down there as it will cost them a lot of money. The area of a country is usually a cause of inaccessibility as it is very expensive to have major road links all around the country, so this means many underpopulated areas occur in larger countries. However New Zealand is an exception to that rule.


    Having a basic network of communication in an area is often a cause of underpopulation, as people will want to be able to contact each other for social, business and emergency use. This will deter people from living here and companies from setting their bases there, so the are will become underpopulated.


    Inputting a basic road system in Taiga and Tundra places can often be difficult due to the soil conditions and in some cases (Taiga and tropical rainforests) tree felling must occur. Building expensive roads that may not be used by many people as the area is underpopulated may seem like a lost cause however it could lead to more people deciding to move to the area as it becomes more accessible and has a better communication network.


    By building an airport this automatically gives the area a bigger network of communication, however there are certain things that could cause a runway to be hard to be built such as Taiga areas as many trees have to be chopped down and Tundra areas as the soil conditions can be hard to build upon.


    Often in underpopulated areas river development is very high as this is historically and tradionatilly how people travelled, and there are little costs as usually no fuel is needed (rowing). However this method of using rivers for transport could not always be viable everywhere as in Tundra places the rivers could be frozen for up to several months a year.


    Remoteness is closely linked to the accessibility of an area. Generally the further away an area from a large centre of population (i.e city) the more underpopulated an area is likely to be. Globally this relationship can be shown by an example of New Zealand as it’s closest sizeable neighbour is a considerable distance away. This leads New Zealand being a remote place so is underpopulated. On a smaller scale, Canada can be used as an example of remoteness and Underpopulation as the further away from the populated southern lying regions, the more underpopulated areas get, this is because of inaccessibility (why remoteness and accessibility are closely linked), as many roads and railways terminate before going very far north. Remoteness is a direct cause of Underpopulation as many people do not want to move to areas that do not have amenitites such as shopping centres and educational and recreational facilities. Workers and familes would much rather go to a populated area with such amenities.

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