
List all of the following in order of importance for teaching & why: Experience, Education, Attitude, Skill?

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List all of the following in order of importance for teaching & why: Experience, Education, Attitude, Skill?




  1. First, you need the right ATTITUDE to start doing anything, especially EDUCATION which is to get a good foundation and the theory and the SKILL needed for the job. Then put everything into practice to get EXPERIENCE. You'll be a master at the end.

  2. Attitude, skill, education, experience.  You have to have the right attitude to put up with kids and the problems they give you, skillful teaching is a must, the education you've recieved or the experience you have mean NOTHING without the first two.  Two years ago i had a math teacher fresh from an average grad school who taught my AP algebra class.  Algebra was not my strong point, but he managed to help me out and used techniques that helped me to remember how all the rediculous equations worked.  the next quarter i took the second half of the class with a teacher who had been at the school for 30 years, and had the same level of training and education.  he had a S**t attitude, and didnt give a c**p about the 2 or 3 students who didnt understand, and he didnt know how to teach AT ALL.  He just assigned pages and that was that.  My grade dropped 2 letter grades and it never recovered.  He had much more experience teaching but did a very poor job.  If he'd had a better attitude about getting all of his students to have good grades he may have been a successful teacher to many more students.

  3. I will take a stab

    Attitude. Comes from how you feel about what you are doing.

    Skills. Having the proper skills you can likely over come the rest

    Experience. Gives you things to call on that may help keep the student interested.

    Education.  It is the foundation.

  4. From the perspective of teaching a subject, such as History:

    1- Education - you have to know the subject you are teaching!  If you have no education then you can't teach.

    2 - Attitude - A teacher has to have a positive attitude and love what they are doing or they will not be good at what they do.

    3 - Skill - Teaching is a skill that can be molded and learned over time.

    4 - Experience - Not necessary or there would never be any first year teachers.  Of course, with experience comes growth and refinded teaching skills.

  5. Attitude, Experience, Skill, education,

    attitude first, because you have to want to be there or the kids will see it - you need to have an attitude of wanting to learn and wanting students to learn or else you won't be interested and the students will see through that

    The other three I think are closely connected, because experience gives you more skills.  Skills are important because they are the nuts and bolts of education.  Education is important because you learn skills, but just knowing isn't enough, you need to put things you've learned into practice before you understand what really works and what fits your personality and teaching style.

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