
List all the benefits of swimming?

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i'm thinking of doing it in the gym

would you reccomend it?




  1. OMG! I can help ya out on this question! I can't list all of them...but Im on the swim team and i can list some of them!

    HUGE mucles

      Tones you up.

       Nice Tan.

       Extremely healthy!!

       Strenghtens your heart and lungs

       Best form of Excsersize!

       Learing the basic strokes

        You can make ALOT of friends

        improves your competitive and confident side of you.

         Teaches you endurence!

       ( This might sound akward, but you can meet alot of cute girls and boys!)

      Super fun!!

      And great for your social life!!

      Oh! And you learn the meaning of teamwork and learn to set individual goals.

    lastly, learn healthy nutrion habbits!

      It's easier to do other sports!

    Your become completely aerobically fit.

    Did i mention it is amazingly FUN!


    Give it a try! After a month you can really tell a diffrence. It's super fun!!! :)

  2. With respect to exercise benefits, it acts as cardio exercise, which increases heart and lung efficiency. Also, since water is denser than air, the movement in the water acts as resistance, which is similar to low-weight-high-rep weight lifting.

  3. Ok here some that I can think of:

    It gets you in shape

    It fun!!

    It teaches you a little disipline

    You get a rush when you get a better and faster time

    It's a team and individual sport

    You can't tell you're sweating (when you really are!!)

  4. There are so many but here are a few it is a whole body cardiovascular workout, it is low impact, works lung capacity and endurance, builds muscle, is a great life skill and many others.  Swimmers find it easier to do any other sport, they are better aerobically fit than any other football player or other athlete, and the cardio work makes them better at playing wind instruments.

  5. 1) swimming is fun!

    2) its pretty easy

    3) it helps you lose weight

    4) it keeps you fit

    5) its a good skill to know

    and countless more!

  6. it is syposed to be the best form of exercise

  7. it relaxes u after a long day!

    Its fun!

  8. i cant list all of them but here are some obvious ones

    -its healthy

    -it can let you loose some extra weight

    - its fun!

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