
List as many words as you can that are related to the french revolution?

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List as many words as you can that are related to the french revolution?




  1. Elegance.



  2. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity! Vive la revolution!


    The Tennis Court Oath

    The Reign of Terror

    The Bastille




    The National Assembly

    The Commitee of Public Safety

  3. guillotine, starvation, opulence, bread, cake, bastille, turmoil, violence, bloodshed, Louis, Marie, bourgeois, upheaval.

  4. 2 points

  5. How 'bout 'Guillotine' and 'Terror'?  

  6. ancien regime


    Louis XVI

    marie antoinette

    prison of versaille



    Bastille fortress

    constitutional monarchy

    Napoleon Bonaparte

  7. For a long list of words related to the French Revolution go to the website below.

    French Revolution Glossary A to Z.

    (I've only given some examples there are more on the website.)

    Ancien Regime: Fancy synonym for "Old Regime"; France before 1789

    Assembly of Notables: Mostly aristocratic selection of most prominent members of various French provinces who likewise rose in reaction against the monarchy.

    assignat: originally a paper IOU for church land after the

    Civil Constitution, it came to used as currency and was over-printed leading to extreme inflation.

    Bastille: Ancient fortress with very few prisoners in 1789 which was captured and later demolished by the Parisian populace in their search for weapons

    Brunswick Manifesto: Extremely impolitic document issued by Austrian general Duke of Brunswick when his troops were stationed outside of Paris which said that if the populace harmed the royal family, the city of Paris would be leveled.

    Estates General: traditional legislative body of French monarchy which hadn't been called since 1614 and consisted of three estates with equal voting power. Called by the King in 1789 due to fiscal problems.


    First Estate: the clergy (1% of French population) *

    Second Estate: the nobility (1% of French population) *

    Third Estate: everybody else *

    Oath of the Tennis Court: Locked out of the Hall of Mirrors in the rain in 1789, the unabashed Third Estate found shelter in the King's tennis courts and declared they would not return to their provinces until France had a constitution

    parlement: Aristocratic liberal legislative bodies throughout the cities of France which had been suspended by Louis XV but were recalled by Louis XVI and rose in reaction against the monarchy.

    Terror, Great: Most bloody part of Jacobin Terror beginning with the Law of 22 Prairal and ending 9 Thermidor 1794.

    Terror, Red:the Jacobin Terror of 1793-1794 characterized by persecution of royalists and "traitors."

    Terror, White: Thermidorian Reaction Terror of 1794-1795 led by the muscadins against Jacobins.

    Versailles: Traditional pleasure palace of French monarchy and fashionable nobility since Louis XIV.

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