
List at least five possible causes of errors during linear measurements in land surveying

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List at least five possible causes of errors during linear measurements in land surveying




  1. Heaps of possibilities.

    Human error - recording a measurement incorrectly.

    Measuring with a steel band or tape - not applying corrections for temperature, tension, sag, standarization, slope; not having the 'zero' mark correctly lined up; misreading the tape.

    Measuring by EDM - not applying curvature & refraction corrections or sea level corrections; not having the prism constant/additive constant set correctly; not having the instrument set up correctly over the mark or not having the prism plumb over a mark.

    Measuring with a dumpy - reading/recording the incorrect crosshair (middle and upper instead of middle and lower)

    Other mistakes to be made using other methods such as rangefinders or subtense bars, but the methods above are or were more common.

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