
List evidence of global warming in your area or other areas.?

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List evidence of global warming in your area or other areas.?




  1. It was 84 today. In Austin. That's in the middle of Texas. It should be in the 90s. Now...if you'd asked about air quality, that'd been another story.

  2. I was freezing outdoors last sunday while wearing a jacket. Today, I was out there in a t-shirt and worked up a sweat!!!!!

  3. I've heard my father say that when he was a boy he and his friends would ice skate down the river every winter.  Now the river remains ice free.   In my lifetime, there would always be a cold spell in January when the nighttime temperatures would drop to below zero F,  now it rarely drops down below 15.  Also, it was a rare occurrence for the temperature to get above 90 in the summer, now it's frequent.

  4. 10 degrees colder than normal today.

    Forecast for 10 degrees above normal tomorrow.

    Forecast for 20 degrees above normal in two days.

    At this rate, we'll all be dead in a couple of weeks!

  5. We had a cold winter in Wisconsin and record snow fall in the Madison area.  Milwaukee was on a few inches from breaking a record.  The spring has been cooler then usual and weather today was in the high 50's low 60's  pretty close to normal.

  6. It was snowing in April, that scared me, the whether guy said it was because of global climate change.

    Plus, in Oregon, where I used to go hiking the snow and glaciers are all gone. Very sad...

  7. Its getting hotter....and bad air pollution....

  8. It snowed in May...2 days ago????

  9. I needed air conditioning?

  10. Unusually cold weather for the past year or so. Hmmm....maybe the lack of sunspots have some roll to play in our temp.

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