
List five differences between North America and Australia?

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  1. 1. Time zones

    2. N America still believes in capital punishment, Australia doesnt

    3. There are different animals

    4. climate

    5.Political systems

    Depends what differences you want to talk about..

  2. America is in the Northern Hemisphere

    Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere

    That's one to get you started...

  3. America-hard capitalism

    Australia-soft capitalism

    ie If you crash in Oz, its a softer fall.

  4. USA - 50 states

    Australia - 6 states & 2 territories

    USA - Left hand drive cars

    Australia - Right hand drive cars

    USA - Imperial measurement

    Australia - Metric measurement

    USA - Gridiron

    Australia - Rugby

    USA - Borders other countries

    Australia - Doesn't border any countries

  5. Someone already asked this... Hope that helps

  6. The five differences are from an Australian perspective:

    1.  Different political system - Westminster parliamentary democracy.

    2.  Head of state - Queen Elizabeth II

    3.  Climate - 2/3 of Australia is arid/semi arid

    4.  Population - 22 million people

    5.  Fauna & Flora

    6.  We speak English

    7.  Sports - cricket & football

    8.  Australia was created with the stroke of a pen in 1901 not through violence like the War of Independence.

    9.  We are the most free country in the world.

    10.  Our beer is better

    11.  We have a strong economy.

    12.  We drive on the left hand side of the road

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