
List five human activities that reflect culture.?

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List five human activities that reflect culture.?




  1. I do not believe in culture i believe in complete freedom of mind and spirit. Its great to celebrate your culture but not to be controlled by it.

  2. Marriage, law, art, education, science, pornography (yeah, why not?)

  3. list 5 things that reflect culture..hummm.

    if culture is learned and shared behavior.

    so, if you are talking about universal human culture, a few things can qualify. marriage, politics, religion, economics, and maybe gender roles. these might be different from one group to another. but all cultures have their own version of each one of them.

  4. The only activity that differentiates humans from other organisms is the degree to which humans can use symbolic thought to plan for unexpected contingencies.  Culture, as a product of symbolic thought shared amongst other humans, assists in dealing with entropic conditions.  Seen this way, an observed culture can be understood as an accumulation of practices based on successful creation, implementation, and maintenance of those symbols.  

    Given the wide range of social interactions, ecological conditions, and biological pressures that are factored into the creation and sustenance of symbolic communication, and consequently culture, the relationship between human activities and culture becomes too diverse, to make any meaningful claim about human cultures as a whole.

  5. Astral:  If your writing a paper in an anthro class you better get your source right, that quote you gave is 135 years older than you attribute it.  Culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." (Tylor 1871:1) from his book Primitive Culture.  He was also the first to use the term in this fashion.

    This is one of the best and most used definitions of culture.  It gives a few examples and leaves it at "any...capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society".  In other words any learned behavior.  Culture, like religion, is one of those tricky words that by creating a definition you either include things you do not mean to or exclude things you wish to include.

    Culture:  Any and all learned behaviors of humankind.

  6. Eating, drinking, talking, closing the door while using the bathroom, buying brand name electronics on credit.

  7. Wow I'm really sick of people coming on here for answers to their intro to anth homework.

  8. music, literature, religion, art, type of foods they eat

  9. if you go way back not modern times, I would say

    (1. hunting

    (2. dancing

    (3. songs

    (4. art

    (5. trade

    modern times I would say

    (1. religion

    (2. family

    (3. trade

    (4. sports

    (5. money

    But that is my guess

  10. Cooking



    Religious activities/rituals

    Manner of grooming/dressing

    BTW Astral is a moron, that is not the modern recognized anthropological definition of culture (ie: Shared patterned learned behavior), that is Tyler's outdated definition of culture which is not used anymore.

  11. Hmmm ... I can answer that question with another questionL  List five activities that DO NOT reflect culture.  Or even one activity! (other than autonomic activities like breathing and blinking)

    IMHO, every human activity reflects culture.  Even going to the bathroom (or whatever bathroom substitute you have).

  12. *Religion of course, hello-most historic wars were based on it, lol.



    *Human to human conflict


  13. hair style, marriage, singing, language, warfare, religion

  14. Language,Beliefs, Religion,Myths,Laws??? i guess this is my 5.

  15. cooking and eating , buying and selling, meeting people and making friends, managing people

  16. I am doing an assignment about the evolution for culture. Here is a quote about what aspects make up culture

    According to Kottak  (271 :2006)Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,arts,morals,customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

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