
List from least to greatest: Most hated Zodiac sign on top, most liked Zodiac sign on the bottom: All 12 signs

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  1. Guest58940
    My opinion on every zodiac sign













    Pretty much all the zodiac signs are amazing, sure every zodiac sign has their pros and cons but tbh it would be wayy to boring if everyone just had pros




    Idk what I am doing with my life XD






    I will leave now cya

























  2. Guest44884

     I disagree with a lot of the portrayals of Virgo. I'm a Virgo with a Leo rising and often we aren't stuck up or overly analytical. Truth is that a lot of Burgos are a blast if they feel that your personality will mesh well with yours. Just because we're critical and intellectual doesn't mean that we don't know how to literally blow your world into next year at a party, sometimes you just have to give us a chance to kick it into high gear :p

  3. Guest21450
    I am a Pisces.
    but my least favorite sign is Scorpio.
    they are conniving, rude, hateful, and untrustworthy.
    my sister is a Scorpio and all she cares about is if she can find someone to love, she dresses in skimpy clothing thinking it makes her look good. she has no respect for anyone and all of her friends are more hateful Scorpios. I am only using my sister as an example but her friends act the same way. I have never gotten along with her always picking on me and yelling at me, and of course us emotional Pisces we cry once we feel hurt, she takes advantage of me and her "friends". I think Scorpios are evil.I HATE SCORPIO!!!

    my favorite sign is Taurus. Taurus is always understanding and helps you when you feel hurt. my dad is a Taurus. he has always loved me even when I jack something up they understand that we are all human and we all make mistakes. they don't care if you mess up and when you do an outstanding job they reward you with happiness and excitement. Us Pisces cant stand to be alone but Taurus can hang with us and be independent when no one is around. hey are hard workers and have an amazing positive energy unlike Scorpio. when you walk in a room with a Taurus and have a conversation a positive energy just fills the room. I LOVE TAURUS!!!
  4. Guest230

     Which zodiac I hate? Well, I hate a few, so i'mma go down the list.

    Libras. Good f*****g god I hate them so much! Especially with water sign influences. They're manipulative, self-centered, self-pitying, and lying pieces of s**t. 

    Geminis. Mean, two-faced, gossipy, and horrendous at keeping secrets. And the worst part is i'm supposed to get ALONG with these signs! s**t, i'm an Aquarius, for cripes sake! I've got my fair share of Caprcorn in me so maybe it's that...? Who knows.


    Cancers: Overly-sensitive b******s, conniving as f**k, self-absorbed, and thinks their the s**t. Now, they would be at the top of the list if it weren't for the fact that some Cancers that are genuinely friendily people are f*****g adorable, but that's not the point. Most of them, especially the males, walk around with this "thug" attitude, thinking they're the s**t. 


    It's a love-hate with Leos. The best person I met was a Leo, and so was the worst. 

    Signs I like? Other Aquarians (no this is not because i'm an Aquarius. Unlike what you think, i'm not that f*****g arrogant. We all have some sort of ego. Get over it.),

    Taurueans (My mother is a Taurus. Best sense of humor ever.),

    Pisceans ( The sane ones are so deep and philisophical),

    Sagittariuans, (They're a lot cooler once you get to know them.,..the only thing that gets me is that they're right-fighters.)

    The other signs..? 

    Virgo is I guess cool but they bore me with their talk at times.

    I get along with Capricorns. I don't have a problem with them.

    Scorpios are really emotional at times for me, but you can rely on them. Just..don't p**s them off. My brother is a Scorpio and he went into a borderline-psychotic rage when our dog peed on his flooring. 

    Yours truly,

    a really f*****g bored Aquarius.





















  5. Guest65

     I hate how some people think sags Are blunt or too talkative or attention freaks . I'm a sag yes I like talking but we can control that and no we aren't attention freaks. Don't rwally judge a whole person just by their star signs. I don't want to start a fight here. I'm just saying something. I have a friend-ish who is a Gemini. Yea she lies and gets mad and all but hey, she is who she is. I have a Taurus friend she can get mad easily but tolerates it. My sister is also Taurus and  I have to say she is bothersome and a bit stubborn but that's her. My moms a libra and she is just fine. Same with my dad who is a Leo. You're whole life and personality is not based on your zodiac sign. It's the personality oh the actual person 

  6.  why do people hate capricorns often ? I mean capricorns aren't that bad if you know them better


  7.  Am I the only one who  hates capricorns? Not to gernalize but christ I have never met more selfish egotistical people. They are always right and can't listen to anyone else. If it's not about themselves they just don't care. 

    Virgos are controlling pshychos

    and Scorpios need to get their lives together. If it doesn't go their way they are immature and hurt people on whatever level just to get their way.

    Those right there are the worst sings.





  8.  I do believe the most hated sign is the libra and most loved the Sagittarius 

    the strongest is the Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, cancer, Leo, Gemini,Virgo,Sagittarius, libra and the least strongest is the pisces when considering the characteristics. 

    And just in case anyone feels bad about being the weakest zodiac (pisces) the truth is pisces is the  only sign that can equally be as strong as the Scorpio, so be careful how u hurt them.

    The libra is the most hated simply because of their delusions, they create this world where they are the most loved. They are so weak they do not know how to separate the fantasy from reality. When reality hits they get nasty & mean, as they can be obsessive, if u don't move with caution they will come for u. they can be impulsive and selfish. They suffer from a great deal of insecurities. they are that friend u have who doesn't even know who they are, they thrive off what people think of them. They can be big kids and u can imagine handling a big kid.....

    the pisces being the last of the zodiac picks one characteristic of each of the sign ......unfortunately the pisces gets their delusions from the libra!! But of course not hated as much as the libra

    The Sagittarius is the most loved..... They have this cheerful mood, bubbly spirit that carries everybody along. the Sagittarius being an attention w***e "must be the centre of attention" so they master the ability to be bubbly. The sag is one of the saddest zodiac as they carry burdens that are more visible to eye than a ghost, which means they don't let you see them but it's right there. They are usually unhappy with their way of life since they are actually not good for anything really??.... I mean what's their Sagittarius icon about?? But unlike the pisces they bury their pain and laugh with the world as for that moment "n***a ain't worried bout nothing" (French Montana voice) 

    Ever wondered how a pisces makes friends .....they make friends like Sagittarius as chameleons they choose which colour to wear. I guess on a friendly day u will meet the sag in them



  10. im a cancer an all yall can suck a d**k beside scorpios, virgos and taurus! and oh yeah fuch an aqaurius

  11.  I would believe I'm a Gemini but I think the most hated is either Scorpio or Leo but mostly Scorpio  I love Leo and mostly mostly Aries 

  12. I dont like pisces girls, sagitarius girls and ..... leo guys.. Although I am a leo.. :p

    I dont get why I shouldnt be confident? I believe everybody is special and I deserve to feel beautiful and talented and I can be whoever I want to be. This rules are not only meant for me but for everyone. I believe in equality and I love spending time with people from all walks of life so.. It is not my fault that they hate me or dont like me.

  13. It has to be Aquarius....a good example, Rachel's attitude in F.R.I.E.N.D.S, she shows a typical aquarian personality in the show.....They are the s***s of the zodiac

    They are stubborn, Jealous, Extremely Selfish , Bossy, arrogant, Hypocrite, Will hate those who hate them, No feelings for anyone, Users and of course, worst lovers in the zodiac

  14.  Geminis are the most two-faced living creature 


  15.  leos are very close minded they hate things that are different they also like to put people down to boost there own egos they abuse there power then say its a side effect of being a leader yeah talk about being delusional. sagittarius on the other hand are open to new things they are fun to be around you get good vibes with them unlike leos (very negative vibes) sagg are also positive, caring,resourceful,funny,smart,practical 

  16. Leos are one of the misunderstood and hated on creatures of the zodiac.. People see them as cocky when in essence they are fearless and confident in their gifts which is  that they know how to love and they genuinely want the best for everyone. They are natural born leaders but as we all know even the best leaders are often scrutinized because it's easier to cast judgement instead taking action because most people talk about what they are going to do, leos actually follow through..  Some say they are jealous and possesive but to those leos who haven't learned the important lesson of self love. Once they learn to empower themselves they will no longer need an audience.

    Cancers are also misunderstood as most will say they are manipulative and indirect but sometimes this is necessary like in the game of chess one must be strategic.. They study their opponents very well often psychoanalyzing and patiently waiting to strike. They never do anything for the sake of doing but always for an agenda because they always aim for the king.. They can also be nuturing and protective of their hearts.

    Sagitarriuses are loyal and fun loving creatures to the fullest, they are open minded and child like but can be a little naive at times, They internalize a lot of negativity when they should learn to stand up for themselves.

    Scorpios and Pisces are very sensitive, addictive, dramatic and emotional which can lead to drama and a lot of bullshit, They also lie to themselves and try to justify their actions because they know their choices are often based on emotion rather than logic..They are also spiteful and unforgiving and tend to victimize themselves and blame others for the drama they create. Both signs are also notorius gossipers as well. On a positive note they root for the underdog and if they learn to follow god wholeheartedly they can serve as a source for inspiration to others because they like to help people.

    Geminis are interesting because they totally negate their shadows they are so often unaware when their evil twin comes into play.. Which is what makes them shady and they don't know how to tell the truth because they don't know when their lying. The can be loyal only to those who are to them but they can be quick to sell you out and apologize for it because they really have no control of their dual nature

    Virgos are critical, perfectionists because they uphold a higher standard for themselves and others, they are very sensitive and need structure and a controlled environment because they don't like suprises. They don't really like change either and some who portray an innocence are really hiding a darker side.

    Tauruses stray from conventional forms of commitment they don't like giving their hearts away because they don't like the emotional rollar coasters relationships can bring so most end up being single for the rest of their lives. They are stubborn and independent, down to earth and easy going.

    Aries are extremists either they are really mad or really happy either way they can be loyal only when it's convenient as they are always out for themselves. They don't empathesize well with others but can be protective of their loved ones. They fall in and out of love very easily.

    Capricorns are cold, aloof, materialistic and hard working. They appear to be controlling but only because they too are not flexible to change. They are resilient creatures who don't give up easily on the things they want. Family is most important to them but for the most they enjoy being alone.

    Aquariuses and Libras are able to see both sides of the coin. Aquariuses are mostly inventive and scholarly. Libras are charming and indecisive. Both signs like for things to be fair and despise drama.  Because both signs spend a lot of time in their heads they don't see how their non action affect those around them who might be quick to call them selffish.

  17. <p>Leos are one of the misunderstood and hated on creatures of the zodiac.. People see them as cocky when in essence they are fearless and confident in their gifts which is&nbsp; that they know how to love and they genuinely want the best for everyone. They are natural born leaders but as we all know even the best leaders are often scrutinized because it's easier to cast judgement instead taking action because most people talk about what they are going to do, leos actually follow through..&nbsp; Some say they are jealous and possesive but to those leos who haven't learned the important lesson of self love. Once they learn to empower themselves they will no longer need an audience. </p> <p>Cancers are also misunderstood as most will say they are manipulative and indirect but sometimes this is necessary like in the game of chess one must be strategic.. They study their opponents very well often psychoanalyzing and patiently waiting to strike. They never do anything for the sake of doing but always for an agenda because they always aim for the king.. They can also be nuturing and protective of their hearts. </p> <p>Sagitarriuses are loyal and fun loving creatures to the fullest, they are open minded and child like but can be a little naive at times, They internalize a lot of negativity when they should learn to stand up for themselves. </p> <p>Scorpios and Pisces are very sensitive, addictive, dramatic and emotional which can lead to drama and a lot of bullshit, They also lie to themselves and try to justify their actions because they know their choices are often based on emotion rather than logic..They are also spiteful and unforgiving and tend to victimize themselves and blame others for the drama they create. Both signs are also notorius gossipers as well. On a positive note they root for the underdog and if they learn to follow god wholeheartedly they can serve as a source for inspiration to others because they like to help people. </p> <p>Geminis are interesting because they totally negate their shadows they are so often unaware when their evil twin comes into play.. Which is what makes them shady and they don't know how to tell the truth because they don't know when their lying. The can be loyal only to those who are to them but they can be quick to sell you out and apologize for it because they really have no control of their dual nature</p> <p>Virgos are critical, perfectionists because they uphold a higher standard for themselves and others, they are very sensitive and need structure and a controlled environment because they don't like suprises. They don't really like change either and some who portray an innocence are really hiding a darker side.</p> <p>Tauruses stray from conventional forms of commitment they don't like giving their hearts away because they don't like the emotional rollar coasters relationships can bring so most end up being single for the rest of their lives. They are stubborn and independent, down to earth and easy going. </p> <p>Aries are extremists either they are really mad or really happy either way they can be loyal only when it's convenient as they are always out for themselves. They don't empathesize well with others but can be protective of their loved ones. They fall in and out of love very easily. </p> <p>Capricorns are cold, aloof, materialistic and hard working. They appear to be controlling but only because they too are not flexible to change. They are resilient creatures who don't give up easily on the things they want. Family is most important to them but for the most they enjoy being alone. </p> <p>Aquariuses and Libras are able to see both sides of the coin. Aquariuses are mostly inventive and scholarly. Libras are charming and indecisive. Both signs like for things to be fair and despise drama.&nbsp; Because both signs spend a lot of time in their heads they don't see how their non action affect those around them who might be quick to call them selffish. </p>

  18. not a list but opions of the signs


    1.) leo- they can be cocky and need admires..Girls are jealous. /,Leo's funny , outgoing,where ever they go they shine*

    2.)cancer- Can be overly sensitive,minpulative,push overs,sometimes lacks common sense,/ makes you feel special, Comforting,tender, empathy,and goofy.

    3.) scorpio- Dangerous when they get mad, rude / plp watchers, s**y,  good at advice, completely hidden/ or Completely outgoing

    4.) aries- bored easily,one sided / not afraid to be themselves, funloving , flirt

    5.) virgo- Critizes Way too much ,Stressful, / *Seems like a goody-to-shoes, Caring, Truthful , observant, Open minded... Extremely Talkitive or Quiet

    6.) gemini- nice when they have to be, gossiper,/silly, fun , upbeat, free- spirit 

    7.) capricorn- Work comes 1st,nonchalont/  on time,playful, respectful,

    8.) sagittarius- Way too blunt, never settled with what they have / , outgoing, big flirt, independent.

    9.) taurus- opinionated, holds saddness inside too long, lies alot,/ graceful, good at acting, sensous, dependable.

    10.) aquarius- in thier own world, unaccepting to things,strange/ original, straight forward, erotic,brave

    11.) pisces- closed off, goody-goody/ dreamy personalities, sweet, forgivable.

    12.) libra. -superficial, addictive/ Charming, understanding, compassionate


  19. Leo can't stand the cockiness they aren't living in the real world

    Sag. keep it brief they are just as annoying as the leo

    Gemini two face

    Libra laid back but just as vindictive as as a fire sign

    Cancer boo hoo to everything it's too much

    Aquarius ?

    Aries  ME, myself, and I

    Taures sneaky

    Scorpio not as sexual as they think

    Pices unpreditable, too emotional , and sneaky can be fun

    Capricorn fun, loyal, and love them

    Virgo hate the nit picking, honest, and fun

  20.  1) Libra- Mentally and physically smarter, and bringing balance. 

     2)Leo- The Lion. I dont think I have to explain. It says it for itself :)

     3)Gemini- The twins.

     4)Aries- Spontaneous and exciting. Strong-willed

     5)Sagittarius- A strong minded person. to achieve and to be known.

     6)Taurus- Understanding and able to open up toward them.

     7)Capricorn- Unknown.Very intelligent. 

     8) Cancer- Loving in all ways, but also needs space.

     9)Scorpio- Misunderstood. Very secretive.

     10)Virgo- The virgin. Very open minded.

     11)Pisces- The fish. Peaceful and Loyal.

     12)Aquarius-Lazy and quiet. Poetic. 



  21. I can't stand aries. No matter female or male they are all have their heads up their asses, are selfish and shallow.

  22.  Hi what all fools do... u are born on the day. but there is the one almighty who sees those chars. of everyone. every people are guessed by their character from the time & date of birth according to astrophysics. Even astrology fails. its all fate. not either this or that is great. First think of humanity. One who gives up and live to the circums wins, superior comples doen't allows u.

  23. I don't like Gemini's, because they are not true people. They only want to be nice when they are bored.

  24. i love
    aquarius very sweet and cool
    libras are always loyal, just spoiled and lazy, not realistic and dont apologize
    leos are my freaking rock love them
    virgos are really low key lovw them, they hate drama
    scorpios are like my little wannabees, but i do love them they listen and love advice

    i hate
    GEMINIS are the most bipolar ppl i know. they are 2faced and liars and gossipers. they also hold onto old things and never just let it go.
    taurus jealous mean manipulating socipaths.

    any1 else is not that important. hahha...

    im a sag btw

  25. aqarius evil braiwashers
    gemini two faced
    picies narow minded and ahoes

    i like
    taurus trust worth haters need to stop hating on them
    leo grat and loyal and freindly
    cancer get long with others
    scorpio cool @gest4331 get a life

  26. Virgo - most are sneaky and vindictive.
    Taurus - can't accept others ideas - closed minded.
    Cancer - Sweet yes, but sometimes assume they are the only ones with problems.
    Capricorn - Refuse to LIVE!
    Libra - Nice and "balanced" but superficial.No original ideas.
    Pisces - Loving but a little too sensitive.
    Gemini - Easy to talk to.. if you don't mind everyone knowing.
    Leo - Very sweet but too overly confident.
    Aries - Honest and to the point. Fun to be around.
    Scorpio - Full of energy and not scared to be themselves.
    Aquarius - Not too emotional and enjoy being original.
    Sagittarius - Fun and emotionally detached. Live life to the fullest without the drama of day to day bs.

    I'm an Aries =]

  27. Most I Hated are:
    1. Libra
    2. Leo
    3. Aquarius
    4. Sagittarius
    5. Aries

    So-So: Gemini and Scorpio

    Most I Like are:
    1. Taurus
    2. Capricorn
    3. Virgo
    4. Pisces
    5. Cancer

  28. Gemini

  29. GEMINIS are the best...

    F the rest, if you are worthy we allow you in our kingdom.  Consider yourselves blessed in our presence.  We run this ******* all day jacc...

  30. leos sooooo loveable very givung they match well with scorpios if u BOTH want it to work n make sure he has praise and good s*x always!!!!!

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