
List of crazy and weird religions?

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can anyone give me a list, or a link to a list of religions that are unusual or odd or that worship strange things or that have strange restrictions or beliefs for example scientology [: ha ha




  1. All religions are crazy and weird.

  2. well pagans and satan worshippers r freaks

  3. Mormon should be on there

  4. Scientology


    Aetherius Society



    Jehovah's Witnesses

    Church of Yahweh

  5. every religion other then the one you believe in is crazy, weird, unethical, and wrong in your eyes.

  6. All of them are weird and crazy .

  7. All of them!! Every religion believes in magical things.

  8. bism, Azali, Bahá'í




              o Roman Catholicism

              o Anglicanism

              o Eastern Orthodoxy

              o Oriental Orthodoxy

              o Assyrian Church of the East


              o Pre-Lutheran Protestants

                    + Hussites

                    + Lollards

                    + Waldensians

              o Lutheranism

              o Reformed

                    + Puritans

                    + Presbyterianism

                    + Congregationalism

              o Anabaptists

              o Methodism

              o Pietism and Holiness movement

              o Baptists

              o Brethren

              o Irvingites

              o Pentecostalism

              o Charismatics

              o African Initiated Churches

              o United and uniting churches

              o Religious Society of Friends

              o Restorationism

              o Southcottites

              o Adventism and Millerites

              o British Israelism

        * Latter Day Saints

        * Nontrinitarian Groups

              o Christadelphians

              o Iglesia ni Cristo

              o Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus

              o Jehovah's Witnesses

              o Oneness Pentecostalism

              o Unitarianism and Universalism

        * Messianic Judaism

        * Christian Spiritualism

              o Swedenborgianism

              o Spiritism

              o New Thought

              o Christian Science

        * Esoteric Christianity

    [edit] Gnosticism

        * Christian Gnosticism

              o Ebionites

              o Cerdonians

                    + Marcionism (not entirely Gnostic)

              o Colorbasians

              o Simonians

        * Early Gnosticism

              o Borborites

              o Cainites

              o Carpocratians

              o Ophites

        * Hermeticism

        * Medieval Gnosticism

              o Cathars

              o Bogomils

              o Paulicianism

        * Persian Gnosticism

              o Mandaeanism

              o Manichaeism

                    + Bagnolians

        * Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism

              o Sethians

                    + Basilidians

                    + Thomasines

                    + Valentinians

                          # Bardesanites


    see Divisions of Islam.

        * Ghulat including (considered separate religions)

              o Ahl-e Haqq (Yarsan)

              o Ahmadi

              o Druze

              o Submission

        * Kalam Schools

              o Ash'ari

              o Kalam

              o Maturidi

              o Murji'ah

              o Mu'tazili

        * Kharijite

              o Ibadi (Only surviving sect)

              o HarÅ«riyya

              o Azraqi

              o Sufri

        * s**+'a

              o Ismailis

                    + Mustaali / Bohra

              o Jafari

                    + Twelvers

                    + Alawites

                    + Alevi / Bektashi

              o Zaiddiyah

        * Sufism

              o Bektashi

              o Chishti

              o Mevlevi

              o Naqshbandi

              o Tariqah

              o Quadiriyyah

              o Suhrawardiyya

              o Tijani

        * Sunni

              o Hanafi

                    + Berailvi

                    + Deobandi

              o Hanbali

                    + Wahhabi

              o Maliki

              o Shafi'i

    [edit] Judaism

    (see also: Jew; Hebrews; Jewish Denominations; Jewish ethnic divisions)

        * Contemporary divisions

              o Conservative Judaism (Masorti/Conservadox)

                    + Union for Traditional Judaism

              o Humanistic Judaism (atheistic, not always identified as a religion)

              o Karaite Judaism

              o Orthodox Judaism

                    + Haredi Judaism

                    + Hasidic Judaism

                    + Modern Orthodox Judaism

              o Reconstructionist Judaism (regards Jewish identity as primarily cultural, not religious)

              o Reform Judaism

        * Historical groups

              o Essenes

              o Pharisees (ancestor of Rabbinic/Orthodox Judaism)

              o Sadducees

              o Sects that believed Jesus was a prophet

                    + Ebionites

                    + Elkasites

                    + Nazarenes

              o Zealots

                    + Sicarii

              o Sabbateans

                    + Frankists

    [edit] Rastafarianism

        * The Nyahbinghi Order

        * Bobo Shanti

        * The Twelve Tribes of Israel sect

    [edit] Sabians

        * Sabians of Harran

        * Mandaean Nasaræan Sabeans

    [edit] Samaritanism

    [edit] Indian religions

    Mostly religions that originated in Greater India that share a number of key concepts, namely Dharma and Karma and religions and traditions related to, and descended from, them.

    [edit] Ayyavazhi

    [edit] Buddhism

    (see Schools of Buddhism)

        * Nikaya schools (which have historically been called Hinayana in the West)

              o Theravada

                    + Sri Lankan Amarapura Nikaya

                    + Sri Lankan Siam Nikaya

                    + Sri Lankan Ramañña Nikaya

                    + Bangladeshi Sangharaj Nikaya

                    + Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Ni

  9. None are crazy or weird. they are simply alternate paths to a personal truth.

  10. The International Church of Christ, oddest of the oddest  -- (similar in mindset to the Jehovah's Witnesses).  

    The ICC thinks that nearly all other churches and certainly all other non-Christian groups are going straight to h**l when they die (with no possibility of paroll!).  The bottom line is that at least 9,999 out of every 10,000 people on earth are h**l-bound when they die.  Please, people!

    The weird thing is, they can make a very strong and fairly convincing case for their stupid dogma by taking quite a scholarly and all-inclusive approach to the Bible.  In my involvement with those people, (and I was one of them for years), my beef was not with the teachers and leaders, but with the ridiculousness of the Bible itself.  

  11. its kind of pointless since people will give you different answers.

  12. Christianity





  13.   Such a list would include every religion and , cult  in existance.  Only God's word can be considered as not being weird.. Read God's truth in the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch..Get a copy at your library until you can purchase your own..  God bless.

  14. I got to say Scientology takes the cake. That Xenu stuff is W-A-C-K-Y.

  15. Seventh Day Adventists




  16. I don't like bashing people's beliefs, but Scientology? Seriously?

    I mean, I'm a Wiccan (Witch), for heaven's sake, so if *I* am calling a religion weird that's really saying something.

  17. Every religion is crazy...

  18. I have a harder challenge for you:

    Name one that isn't crazy or weird!

  19. Discordianism

    Church of the SubGenius

    Invisible Pink Unicorn

    Chruch of Google

    Last Thursdayism

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