
List of insectisides or anything that kills melon aphids?

by Guest33596  |  earlier

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I have an outbreak of melon aphids on my Okra plant>

im worried about it and i need a list of ways to get rid of them quickly




  1. Good aphid systemic insecticides include Imidacloprid and Thiacloprid.  These enter the plant and kill biting or sucking insects.

    Otherwise, an insecticidal soap will kill aphids on contact - you can make something similar using dishwashing liquid, diluted and sprayed on.

    If you're looking to consume any food, always check that your treatment is safe for this, within the time frame that you will be harvesting from your plants.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob

  2. Buy an insect soap with NEEM OIL......Works great and is organic.

  3. Here is a really good university website that may help you.

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