
List reasons for and against completely forgiving debt of developing countries with the highest debt loads?

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List reasons for and against completely forgiving debt of developing countries with the highest debt loads?




  1. A lot of times rich countries will say they are helping a country by giving them money, but really are giving a loan with accruing interest to that country... countries hardly ever give anything for free out of the goodness of their hearts.

    For Forgiving

    * So that the country can begin to invest in their human capital - in education and women and poverty instead of having to pay back interest.

    * Interest rates are pretty much against most religions like in Christianity, Islam, so it could be a moral argument.

    Against Forgiving

    * Most poor countries are run by corrupt politicians. If we forgive their loans, it's not likely that they will go to the people that need it most in the country anyway.

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