
List some things that you can do at home to help conserve our planet?

by  |  earlier

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A couple things I've picked up are:

*unplug your cell phone, blackberry, chargers when not in use. They use up energy just being plugged in! I didnt know that.

*reuse plastic bags at the grocery store or buy canvas reusable bags to take with you.




  1. replace all standard bulbs with compact flourscents. Turn off the buns' coffee pot when not in use (the warmer consumes huge amounts of electricity).  Hang your closes out to dry.  Lower the thermostat.  Dont buy appliances with clocks or instant on features (they are constatantly using electricity)

    Purchase solar water collectors for your hot water system (this will save you a bundle, has a payback of less than 4 years and a 30 year life).  If you are in a rural setting, think about wind power.  You can use Solar electric in the city, even if your system is just a few kilowatt hours/day, it will help.

  2. plant flowers raise animals

  3. change to those fluorescent light bulbs that Al Gore talks about; even in unplug night lights, room scents that you plug into the outlet because yes they do use up energy as well.

    here in the states we need to have a national black out as well to draw attention to the state our planet is in.  I believe Australia has already done it.

  4. Try giving up altogether things you grew up without.  Like cell phones, blackberrys, iPods, widesceen TVs, laptops, water bottled in throwaway plastic containers.  And why stop there?  Things mankind thrived from thousands of years without, like clothes dryers, restaurants, sporting events and large concerts, shopping malls and anything pertaining to "fashion".  They are all needless frills that involve wasting tremendous amounts of energy.

    Or perhaps we should all just pause a bit and use that 1400cc brain that either God or Mother Evolution (take your pick) gave us to figure out a way to keep all of that stuff without inconveniencing anyone?

  5. Don't flush the toilet every time unless it has p**p in it.  Take cold showers - you will use less water and you do not have to heat the water.

    Do not water your yard or wash your car.

    Run your laundry and dishwasher at light when the electrical demand is less.

  6. --> 98% <-- OF ALL OXYGEN PRODUCTION is done by phytoplankton. It's dying.

    "Give me a half a tanker of iron and I will give you another ice age" [see link]

    Everything else is microscopic in comparison to these little single-cell powerhouses. They produce 98% of the world's oxygen but pollution is killing them.

    Iron fertilizes them and will make a bigger difference than all the trees in the world (a fraction of the remaining 2%).

    Now, I realize that, as individuals, we can't get a tanker and fill it with iron...or COULD we???


  7. - Green Electricity - compact fluorescent light bulb, saves gallons of oil, smog and carbon dioxide.

    -  Recycle -  Reuse or recycle glass jars, aluminum, and plastics. The more you recycle, the less goes into landfills.

    - Temperature - When you are home-lower thermostat.

    - Drive Less and/or consider a fuel efficient car.

    - Tune-ups - When a car is not properly tuned, it emits more pollution, waste gas, and lowers engine performance.

    - Use the Off - Switch, Turn off TV, lights, computers, all electronics

    - Water Temperature - hot water tank - do you really need the water that hot?

    - Leaky Faucets - check and repair quickly - use  low-flow shower heads

    - Laundry & Dishes - do full loads, conserve soap, use clothes line (air dry dishes) - run machines during off-times (low energy consumption times)

    - Ceiling Fans - use to circulate air rather an have sir conditioners on full blast 24/7

    - High Efficiency - update furnace, fridge etc to the energy efficient ones

    - Cleaning Products - Use only bio-degradable and environmentally friendly products

    Having a brain drain now so going to quit.

    Thought of another one:

    - Water Usage - Water grass, wash car - only on odd days or even days - don't water grass in mid afternoon (too much evaporates)

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