
List the all of the human races...?

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Be equally specific on all groups, for example, do not put Chinese if you are going to put African as Chinese is more specific.




  1. We are all human so why do we have to be classed?

  2. One, the human race.

    Other than that, as far as humans go there is no such thing. Its a social construct.

  3. A computer which was fed DNA results from a coss-section of people worldwide, was given the command to separate the data first, into two groups, which yielded Sub-Saharan Africans & Everyone else!

    Secondly, the command was to separate the DNA into three groups, resulting in Sub-Saharan Africans, Europeans and Asians!

    Into four groups, yielded Sub-Saharan Africans, Europeans, Asians and Aboriginals!

    And finally, five groups yielded the previous four groups, plus Native Americans!

    So there you have it...not only five potential ethnicities of the Human Race, but also the order and direction of their differences, exclusively from microscopic DNA, which comes before all skin colors!

    This used to be called:





    and Native American!

  4. The term is not used formally any more. there is one human race. Variations between ethnic groups are spread clinally across the planet and blend into one another. The skin colors are not fixed and can change based on genetic mixing. There are no races, only ethnicities.  Genetic drift can occur when any group does not share genetic material, so that any trait can become predominate if it exists within the original genepool of any isolated population. If this isloated group becomes different from most other humans for instance in obtaining a specific skin color, DOES THIS REALLY MAKE THEM A DIFFERENT RACE?

  5. Dumb and dumber per the question. I prefer the Marathon race.

  6. there is the sprint relay, 100m dash, 200m dash, 300m dash, 1 mile, 2 mile    too many

    go to the olympics to find out for urself

  7. Reading your answerer's comments, it shows that there are Negroids, Caucasians, Mongoloids, Australoids and Americanoids.  But where do the Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs etc, fit in?


    (What is also interesting is, how many and what are, from way back in pre-history to us current modern humans, all the planet's positive/exclusive 'human' species?)

  8. The currently " scientific" answer is three major divisions




    I Think it should only be one The Human race.

  9. {3}

    ******* - a member of a race of humankind native to Africa and classified according to physical features (as dark skin pigmentation)

    CAUCASIAN - of, constituting, or characteristic of a race of humankind native to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia and classified according to physical features —used especially in referring to persons of European descent having usually light skin pigmentation.

    MONGOLOID - of, constituting, or characteristic of a race of humankind native to Asia and classified according to physical features (as the presence of an epicanthic fold)

    I done my research, to me race is all about skin pigmentation(skin colour)

  10. "Race" is a social concept, without any biological reality for humans. In every single physical trait of which I am aware, expression (like skin color, nose form, hair form blood group, alternate hemoglobin, and so forth) varies independently according to the selective forces that act upon each trait.

    The collection of physical traits that supposedly "define" races, turn out to be derived from the European age of exploration. Those "definitions" turn out to be descriptions of the prevailing physical types in each of the areas of Africa, the Americas and Asia first contacted by Europeans. These descriptions stuck, even though it became obvious that they really did not fit "all" Africans, or "all" Native Americans, etc.

    They were, though convenient means to sort people into "them vs us" groups and convenient to base policies of repression. These "racial classifications" do not even stay the same from one country to the next. In Brazil, "race" is based almost solely according to skin color and one's "race" can change by a day or two more in the sun or out of the sun. (this is based on the experience of Dr. Conrad Kottack at the University of Michigan who has done fieldwork in Brazil).


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