
List three types of light sources that artificial & explain how each works.?

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List three types of light sources that artificial & explain how each works.?




  1. <3frusciante<3 - the Sun is hardly an "artificial" source of light now is it?


  2. 1.) Incandescent Light bulbs

    Incandescent lights use a filament through which an electrical current is run.  The filament's resistance causes heat.  Due to this heat, the filament glows like any metal when heated.

    2.) Flourescent Light Bulbs

    Flourescent lights pass a current through a gas trapped in a glass tube.  The electrical current excites the atoms in the bulbs gas.  The electrons in the atoms jump to a higher energy level as the electrical current excites them.  As they fall to their base energy level, they emit photons.

    3.) Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

    LEDs are slightly more complicated.  Basically LEDs utilizes two semiconductors in close proximity.  As electrons jump the gap between the two semiconductors they lose energy and emit photons.

  3. 3 types of light that are artificial????

    Umm,sun,bulbs and

    Well first off " light for dummies" is basically heat,the sun is a giant ball of burning gas,which produces a lot of heat,and light.

    Bulbs,again use electricity to heat up the wire in them to produce light

    And fire and the sun are pretty much the same thing I couldn't think of anything else,maybe more info on the question?

    But sun is burning gass

    fire can be burning like wood,same thing,its all heat!

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