
Listen to music on PS3 while playing games?

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Will we ever be able to do this? You can on the xbox 360.

I hope it comes out in an update.




  1. Some games already support it.. did you update?


    Here if you updated: Press the guide button (PS logo) in game go across to music and tryto play a song. it works on some games honestly

  2. It IS possible since firmware 2.4x

    The only trouble is that few games support that function, but I know that PixelJunk Monsters does.

    Just google/"yahoo" "PS3 games list music support", that should do.

  3. Probably, they stole Xbox Live too. God, they gotta get they're own ideas. Xbox is always ahead, and it always will be.

  4. @Bout Merde: Are you fudging blind? You have obviously never even touched a PS3 because the only similar features are the friends list. I don't know how you can think they stole online multiplayer from the 360, but whatever. If you want to talk about a company that steals stuff then you should be talking about Microsoft. Microsoft steals exclusivity of games like Final Fantasy, and buys out exclusive DLC of multi-platform games. They also copy other peoples ideas, like Lips (which is SingStar for the 360), and Avatars (which is a blatant rip-off of the Wii's Mii's). Seriously, you should know what the fudge your talking about before making a comment like that. Now you just look stupid.

    Back on topic, the PS3 already can play in game music. It was added n a recent update. However, the developers have to program it in. PixelJunk Monsters actually doesn't have it yet. It was shown in a demo of it though, so I expect it in the next update. Warhawk is also getting it in an update.

    Developers will have to program it in, and most won't see the need to. For games in certain genres, like racing, it should become standard. In other genres like horror where a mood needs to be set I doubt you'll ever see that feature.

  5. you can but most games dont support it, most games that come out in the future will!

  6. It dosent do it now, but im positive that with a new update, this will be possible. I dont know when Sony will add that feature to the PS3, but im sure it should be soon.  

  7. yes

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