
Listen to this!!!!!! i need a good punishment for it!

by  |  earlier

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Well.. ok i have a 11 year old daughter and last night i went out to dinner with some of my highschool besties, and when i came home it was 9:30. My daughter was watching So u think u can dance or what ever that show is called, which was fine because i let her up until 10. i found her school bag in the middle of the walkway, i kindly put it in her room without asking her to do it her self. (such a nice mother ) But as i walked in, on the computer, there was a photo of me naked with another fat woman's body!!!! and has been sending it to all her friends!!!!! iam so angry and ashamed!!!! how can i punish her??? My father use to spank and whip me with a switch!! should i do that to her?? Anyway i want a really good one that'll make her sorry!!! send a photo of her naked??? ,Naaah too cruel!

Please help!!!!




  1. As a Father I'm Sure you have some photo's of her as a baby or toddler that is just embarrassing enough.

    I have one of my youngest daughter "Hugging" my bare foot.

    Good Luck.

  2. Taking away privledges would be the best choice. I'd say banning her from the Internet would be ideal and perhaps taking away her phone if she has one.

    Wait until you've calmed down a little before you decide on her punishment. Sometimes making her sweat a few hours before you dole out the punishment can make her a bit more repentent.

  3. I was not too long ago and if she did that, she most likely has a reason, like you're not being fair to her and not giving her privacy, etc. Don't punish her, just ask her why.

  4. what u want to do is illegal because its child abuse so assuming ur not a troll just take the computer out

  5. WOW!  What will they think of next?  Confront her.  And then take the computer (which shouldnt have been in an 11 year olds room in the first place) out of her room!  She should lose her computer priveleges for a determined amount of time (save for schoolwork), her phone privleges, and TV.  She should also have to draft an apology email and send it to everyone she sent the pics to.  Included in that should be, "Due to my irresponsibility and inability to respect my mother, I will not be allowed to use the computer or the phone until ____.  Please do not attempt to contact me until that date."  Good luck!  I dont think a switch would work, she would probably send out some SOS email about how you bludgeoned her or something.

  6. Ban her from her computer ... she needs to learn.

  7. Ban her from the computer until she can learn how to use it responsible.

    Maybe super impose her face over a fat persons body too and see if she likes it?

    While you must be horrified... can't you see thats its just a little funny if it wasnt you?  


    What is it with you and punishments?

  9. Forgive and forget..

  10. Talk to her about it if she is unreasonable. Ground her or take away her pc for a while or her internet.

  11. shes 11 why has she got a computer in her room! that's too risky with all the peados around!

    if she found a picture of a naked woman's body then shes has obviously been looking at naked people! maybe men!!! and pron! get that computer out her room, ban her from it and ground her for a week!

    and dont let her on the computer alone again, email all her friends telling them that she is being punished and grounded and the computer taken off her. that's should really embarrass her in front of her friends!  

  12. Ban her from the computer until she realises her mistake.

  13. Talk to her about how bad she has been and that you will at first take away the computer for 6 months and reduce pocket money until she can prove she is sorry then steadily increase pocket money again.

  14. dont hit her because she will resent you for it. i think you should take away her computer because she is using it to hurt you and that is unacceptable. i expect you pay for it so just take it away ,that is more of a lasting punishment than hitting her or shouting. keep the computer until you feel ready to give it to her and think she has learned her lesson

  15. omg call the cops to retrack the pic and let her be imbarressed by everyone

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