
Listen!!!Am I the only one who has two sides?

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Listen when im with my family, i am cool quiet, sometimes. but most importantly say what i want! work in social situations I am just as aware, talk to people confidently promote myself etc... yet there is a even larger side that just holds back or doesnt really care doesnt want to conform doesnt care if people think im weird...ill speak when i want ...illrise to a challenge if needed but then the result of this is that people dont understand it and think i know nothing or im whats wrong with m? anyth9ng? am i stupid...if so to what degree? tell e your experiences!




  1. Just my opinion.  Nothing is wrong with you.  I am the same.  Even if you do not believe in birth signs--check yours out.  You are considered a chameleon.

  2. You're fine.  Most of us are like that.  

    There are times when I choose to be one way just to play devil's advocate, and I don't believe in what I am debating, so that someone else can see how another person might see it.

    Smile you're fine.   :)

  3. Nope I'm like that too. Its different with Friends and family

  4. im like that too. to my family i can be a b***h and yell and make as much fuss as i want. but to my friends, im nice. i never make fun of anybody except for when i really don't like them. i don't yell at my friends because im afraind of hem getting mad and never being my friend anymore.

    so you're not the only one who has two sides. but sometimes i think i have three, because when im by myself i sorta kinda talk to myself........and something funny? i answer myself.

  5. I have 4 sides front, right, back, and left.

    No I think everyone has multiple faces they show to the world. I am very confident and sometimes confrontational at home, confident and not confrontational  with friends, and not confident or confrontational at work.

    Different sitiations call for different attitudes, its fine.

  6. Dont worry, I think we are all like that.  like my socioligy professor said: We all have masks that we wear all the time, the mistery is the real person.

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