
Listerine Whitetrips Works???

by Guest57163  |  earlier

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Listerine Whitetrips Works???




  1. dont use those it weakens your teeth use whitening toothpaste and use strawberrries to rob yer teeth and use it as toothpast once a week trust me it works i used yesterday i got a white smile

  2. They do work but I had to stop using them due to how sensitive my teeth became. I could not eat or drink room temperature food comfortably. I would not suggest using them to anyone, but they do work.

  3. yes. any whitestrips work. they work because you leave them on your teeth for an extended amount of time...which is the only way to get your teeth white. for example toothpaste, as soon as you rinse it out, it stops working! And yes they will make your teeth a little more sensitive at first, but it goes away. So if you already have sensitive i don't recommend using it. If you don't have sensitive teeth, then go for it, and if your teeth do become sensitive, then use sensodine toothpaste, that will definitely help!! Good luck.

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