
Litter box changing, masks, pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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OK, before i get the rude comments, YES i change the cat litter, but also i wash my hands every time i am done, i don't eat it or play with it! I just would like to know that if you use a painters mask, the white round ones, would it prevent the dust from being inhale? I will be doing the litter box till the cat dies, so don't leave rude comments, with my 1st child, NOTHING bad happened, and i changed the litter for 2 cats. My child is one of the smartest kids in his class. I always wash my hands afterwards.




  1. I really don't know. I never heard of pregnant women not being allowed to change the litter box until my step mom was pregnant. I know, I know I guess I'm the one of the few who didn't know that. Is there anyone else who can change it for you? Maybe a mask would help out a little and as long as you wash your hands really well then MAYBE you'll be fine. I would reccommend you not to clean the litter box but you made it perfectly clear that you still will so I won't go against what you wish. The mask will help better than nothing though. Please be careful

  2. while you are pregnant switch your litter to Yesterday's News, it is made of recycled paper and has no dust, it is much better for you and the cats, and it does control odor, very well!!!!

    EDIT: dont worry about the toxoplasmosis, you would have to literally eat the f***s, or have poo on your hands and l**k your fingers in order to contract toxo, if you have any doubts with my answer, call your local vet and confirme what I am saying, good luck dear

  3. That should help, but it's probably not necessary.

    The toxo. concerns would come mainly from stray cats and handling some raw foods.  As long as you don't get any new cats you should be completely fine.

    general info (although you probably know enough not to need it):

  4. I am also pregnant and change the cat litter.  But I also wear latex gloves and a mask, and I don't scoop, I just dump it every few days.  So long as the cats are indoor cats, dont go outside AT ALL and are up to date on their health, and you are taking all the precautions that you can, then there is no issue with you changing the litter box.  HOWEVER if they are indoor/outdoor cats, then you run the risk of them contracting toxoplasmosis and passing it on to you.  Just be careful, wear gloves and a dust mask, and do it in a well ventelated area.  And congrats on the pregnancy!

  5. Not all cats carry may have just lucked out the first time around...BUT I am not going to sit here and tell you that changing the cat box is okay with this pregnancy just because nothing happened the first time around. If you insist on cleaning the cat box then make sure you take all pre-cautions...Mask, Rubber Gloves and wash hands well after~~Aloha and Good Luck~~

  6. i think that they would work. there are actual dust masks as well. i'm not sure where you could get them, but i do know they exist because my husband wears them at work.  

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