
Litter box train a rabbit?

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How do you litter box train a rabbit? We have a cutie that is about to be banished to the outside. Please help.




  1. keep throwing his turds into the litter box, after a couple weeks ours caught on

  2. Start with a box in the cage, and one or more boxes in the rabbit's running space. If she urinates in a corner of the cage not containing the box, move the box to that corner until she gets it right. Don't be concerned if your bunny curls up in his litterbox--this is natural. Once she's using the box in the cage, open her door and allow her into her running space. Watch her go in and out on her own. If she heads to a corner where there's no box, or lifts up her tail in the characteristic fashion, cry "no" in a single, sharp burst of sound. Gently herd her back to her cage and her litterbox, or into one of the boxes in her room. Be careful, however. You don't want to make the cage or the litterbox seem like punishment. A handful of hay in the box makes it a more welcoming place. After she first uses the box, praise her and give her her favorite treat. Once she uses the box in her room a couple of times, you're well on your way, as her habits will be on their way to forming. As she gets better trained in her first room, you can increase her space. Don't hurry this process. And if the area becomes very big, or includes a second floor, be sure to include more litterboxes, so as not to confuse her. Remember, as she becomes more confident and uses fewer boxes, you can start to remove some of her early, "training" boxes. Get your rabbit into a daily routine and try not to vary it. Rabbits are very habitual and once a routine is established, they usually prefer to stick with it.

  3. Our rabbit had a hard time. We tried planting his droppings in the litter pan to start. Then we cheated and moved the litter pan to the general area of his cage where he does most of his business anyway.

    Kind of like moving the target to where his bullets seem to be landing. With the female rabbit we had it was much easier. She just took to it 1,2,3. Just stay with it and don't give up.

    Good Luck! Your bunny can do this.

  4. The first step in litter box training your rabbit is to make sure there is a comfortable litter box in your rabbit's cage. Most rabbits choose a corner in which to do all their bathroom deeds and that is where you will want to put the litter box. If your bunny likes to rearrange his house, secure the box to the side of the cage by poking wire through it and attaching it to the wire cage side (make sure no wire ends can hurt your bunny). Put bunny's hay in one end of the litter box to encourage bunny to hop in and stay awhile. Make sure to keep the box clean, as most bunnies like to nap, groom themselves and relax in their box! Spend a lot of time with your rabbit, let him know when you are pleased with his behavior: the key to any good animal-human relationship is communication!

    Also its not good to let a indoor bunny go out just reminding you

  5. Rabbits like to use the corner, so make sure you get one with high sides or you will have a mess!

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