
Little Child, Male, loves to flash, what should I do?

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An eight year old boy who I look after loves to show me his genitals and asks to see mine when were alone, usually after we rough house, I told him it was impolite but I know its natural for a boy to be curious, I don't want him to get in trouble, what should I do?




  1. i think you need to sit down with the  mom and dad and see whats going on at home!!!!!!

  2. It is necessary to bring this up with his parents. You don't want to be accused of any inappropriate behavior in the future (I'm not suggesting that you would do anything of that nature), but it's better to inform them that he's doing this. You can tell them not to punish him, but that they need to discuss it.

  3. I would call CPS because obviously this child has been some how mistreated (sexual abuse).  It is not "normal" for a child of this age to be showing his genetalia unless he is acting out.

  4. You should continue to teach him that private parts are private.  You want to do this without making him feel bad about it, letting him know you understand his curiosity, but it is not appropriate.

    Then you should definitely talk to his parents.  I had a similar situation about a year ago with one of my daughters friends that was over.  I brought it up to the mom, with the attitude that this is very normal, and I just want to let you know, it is probably time for "The talk" . She took it very well and me and the mom are still friends.

  5. Although he may be curious, at this age, he also needs to understand modesty and boundaries.  Your response is appropriate.  It may be a good time to teach him that he's getting old enough to keep things private and there's no real need to show anyone except maybe the doctor or his parents if there's a reason.

    The close physical contact in 'rough housing' may be naturally arousing.  Acknowledge the good feelings it brings and find alternate ways of expressing them.

  6. We have more than enough 8 year old boys around our house. This isn't out of the ordinary for that age group. You didn't say what gender you are. He may just feel comfortable around you if you have known him a long time. I always explain to them how special that area is and how important it is to keep it covered.

  7. I don't want to sound rude, but is there any chance he was molested?

    The reason I say this is because many pedophiles start off with "wrestling" or "tickling." I am certainly not accusing.

    Of course, puberty and sexual interest is coming on a lot earlier these days. He may have learned something at school. If it persists, you should tell his parents. I know you don't want him to get in trouble, but it is better that you tell them and he learn than him going to school and doing that to another child and getting in major trouble.

  8. Well you definitely shouldn't show him(for legal reasons).  Maybe talk to his parents, I think it's normal to be curious at that time in life.  Nothing to get him in trouble for but unfortunately nudity is illegal so you need to make sure he doesn't continue with it in the future.

    I remember my little brother used to flash a lot in public around that age.

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