
Little Johnny Joke!.........

by  |  earlier

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Little Johnny's teacher decided that the children should learn about mime, so she had each of them develop a speech, which was to be relayed by using motion only. When Little Johnny's turn came, he stood up in front of the class:

"Ladies (grabbing chest) and gentlemen (grabbing crotch)..." Little Johnny's teacher wasn't amused, so she sent him to the Principal's office. Johnny explained what happened, so the sympathetic Principal told him to revise his speech as follows:

"Ladies (motioning woman's curves) and gentlemen (making a muscle with his arm)..."

Little Johnny went back to class and proceeded to give his speech again: "Ladies (motioning woman's curves) and gentlemen (making a muscle with his arm), it gives me great pleasure (whacking-off motion)..."




  1. lol...that was awesome!!!

  2. thats REALLY funny i like that! its cute. Star!

    michael your mean! thats a cute joke...age unlimited!

  3. Sorry, don't find it amusing.. A joke for kids up to around 10 years old.

  4. It was funny but probably funnier if we could see it.

  5. I get two points for reading this

  6. That's the only one that made me chuckle all morning!

  7. little johnny asks his dad is god a man or a women? he says both, then he asks is god black or white n again he says both, then he asks oh is god michael jackson?

  8. ha ha ha ha ha ha ah

  9. ha ha ha

  10. lol funny one ;) !!!

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