
Little Sister Wets Herself?

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My six year old sister wets herself and doesn't notice she's done/doing it. She'll be playing out in the garden and half an hour later she'll still be running around with soaking knickers. She does it in school as well! She gets a rash on her bottom from doing it.

Any ideas on how to make her stop?




  1. maybe you should take her to the doctors office and see why she is doing it. maybe she needs to were some pull up like thing. for big kids. if she is 6 then she should know by now when she has to go.  

  2. As everyone has said, take her to the doctors but in the meantime maybe you could help "potty train" her, even though she is already 6 and some might think that theres no need to. You could just make sure she goes to the toilet more regularly? Like if she's going to play out in the garden, ask her if she's been to the toilet and maybe it would be a good idea if she went before she played outside.  

  3. you need to talk to her doctor (or have your mom), she could have a medical condition which is the underlying cause of the wetting

  4. If she is still doing this at 6 years old, it isn't her fault.  She may have some problems with her bladder that she should be really seeing a doctor for.

  5. Take her to doctor!!!!!!

  6. she may have urinary reflux.. she should probably be seen at least by the peditrician but then by a urologist.. it is common in kids and is treatable with meds

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