
Little advice for first time mother?

by Guest60224  |  earlier

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I'm turning 40 weeks on thursday and i started dilating on this past weds. since this is my first baby i do not exactly know how to tell how far apart my contractions are... ive been to the ER twice and both times have been sent home because i am not dilating enough... can anyone tell my what i can do to push the dilation process along?? back labor isn't very much fun and i don't want to keep going to the ER room for nothing... thanks for your help




  1. Time them from the time one starts until the time the next one starts.  Also, time the length of each contraction.  You want them long and close together.  If you're having back labour and you need pain management... MAKE them admit you to the hospital!!

    Until then... walk, walk, walk.

  2. keep standing, that way gravity is on your side helping pull the baby doen the birth canal! Good luck hun!  

  3. Try walking but not so much that you're exhausted. You can also try having s*x if its comfortable. When you time contractions, time them from beginning to beginning and thats how far apart they are. When you time it from beginning to end thats how long they are. Wait until they are about 7-10 min apart and 60-90 sec long for an hour before you go to the hospital again. By then, you should be in active labor.

  4. Try a glass of STRONG raspberry tea it will help speed the labor and ease the pains from it and make it easier, I personally haven't done it but have talked to others who have and they say it works just make it a strong glass and drink it all up.

  5. Sometimes walking can make contractions more productive, like helping dilation.  And you're not going to the ER for nothing.  Even tho it feels like it.  I've worked in a hospital on the ob/gyn floor and trust me, they'd rather have you in there for nothing, than you be at home and something happen.  

  6. Im sorry hun. I feel your pain. Im 37 1/2 wks prego and i started having back labor last week. Your right, that stuff is no joke!!! I went to L&D as well but of course i had only dilated to 1 cm so they sent me home too. But, they gave me pain meds which helped a lot. I would  check to see if they could hook you up with something??? As for progressing labor I've been researching this same question and it seems as if walking and s*x are your top 2. But in all honestly it looks like we're both going to have to just wait this whole thing out until baby is ready. It sucks and I know i get tired of hearing that but i guess its true. I just try and look at things like as long as im still contracting that means my cervix is still dilating, or at least trying. So at least we know SOMETHING is going on!! Best of luck!!

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