
Little boys and girls might get their wish!?

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After what Undertaker did at SummerSlam's h**l in a Cell Match, has WWE seen the last of Edge?

No way - the Ultimate Opportunist will be back when WWE least expects him.

I think Undertaker has sent Edge away for good and I say good riddance!

you can chose one those choices and submit it,and sadley to say 53% voted for choice two,where only 47 % voted for choice one, shows me that over 50 % of WWE fans are kids,sucks really, maybe edge should just not come back,not that i don't want him to,hes my favorite wrestler,but is just not a PG character, he does not belong in this Era, hes not made for kids,period. so that said, until WWE goes back to Rared pg-14, and maybe bring back a small part of the Attitude Era,and when more Adults start to watch wrestling again, than Bring Edge back, maybe Edge could go to TNA for a little bit till WWE gets their act togather, than edge can come back to WWE, Edge has a hard time playing his character when kids are watching.




  1. What is the question

  2. Well, I don't like Edge, but I don't wanna see him go.  

  3. Seriously, if he doesn't come back, Vince has OFFICIALY gone mad imo. I'm a big Edge fan.  

  4. y would edge go to TNA he has been a main eventer for about two years ans has had like 2 or 3 title reigns

    stupid question

  5. OMG no! Edge is my all time favorite wrestler! He can't leave WWE that would be so lame! Smackdown is nothing without Edge!


  6. totally not

  7. this shows how low wwe is going to become PG :(

  8. I was a proud member of that 47%.And he should come back,just to show those toddlers who's boss.

  9. Taker sent his a** to h**l

  10. I voted that the ultimate opportunist would be back, he will be back, who knows when but i can't wait for his return.

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