
Little brother lying what can i do?

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my brother is so annoying he does this all the time. My mum doesnt like us to eat junk when she isnt home. Today we had a pack m.wave popcorn to share, my mum found the packet and she asked us if we ate it. My brother said i ate the whole thing and i got in heaps of trouble, if i say he did my mum calls me a liar and he gives me mean looks, like he knew what he did.

he does this all the time in all different situations.

why does he do this? and what can i do about him?

please help and heaps of thanx in advance!!!




  1. I don't agree with hitting him with a ruler! God, that's terrible. It'll only cause something worse! Don't hit your brother! I'm the eldest with two younger brothers... I've been through the whole lying thing, and hitting your brothers, good reason or not, never ends well. You need to talk with your mother, as a previous poster said, when you're both calm and far from an incident of lying. In my house, my parents almost always knew when someone was lying, and either went along with it to avoid a huge screaming match, or called one of my brothers out on it on the spot. I'm assuming you're old enough to know that lying is bad (exceptions, of course...) so why not ask your mom why she thinks you'd lie to her about things? Do you have a good relationship with your mom? Do you talk to her about personal things, like funny stories that happened with friends, school, careers, etc...? That's how I am with my mother, my middle brother to an extent, and we've never really gotten in trouble for a lie our youngest brother told (who is 9 years old.) Basically, make it hard for your mom to believe you lied. Maybe try framing your brother? Leave an empty bag of chips out in the kitchen and stay in your mom's sight until she finds it. If she confronts you... well, you were with her the whole time. Either your brother will lie and say you did it (technically the truth,) or he'll just deny it completely, and he'll accuse YOU of lying. Well... the shoe's on the other foot now is it?

  2. First of all, there's nothing you can do about your brother personally. It's something your parents have to deal with. But first, you should sit with your mom and have a serious conversation with her. Don't do this when there is an incident of lying, but do this when you're both calm and tempers aren't flaring. You have to explain to her that it bothers you and hurts you that you are never believed, that your brother gets away with lying and you get the blame. Perhaps your mom doesn't believe you for a good reason, maybe you have done the same. Maybe it's hard to tell your mom the truth cause the consequences are harsh. I don't know, but you have to talk to her in a mature way where she can listen to you. If you show her some maturity in this matter, it may help and then your mom can look at things a bit more objectively and not automatically pounce on you with accusations.

  3. From my perspective, I see there are a number of problems which led to this.

    First, you should start talking to your parents seriously. Then, talk to your brother, ALONE.

    You are his sister, and therefore you have the authority to scold him and talk to him. Show care for him. Don't hit him or anything, but be a true sister to him. Show what lying can do to him.

    He'll most likely say: "I don't care! Na na na na na!" Or something like that. That's when you get a ruler or something (Without sharp parts) and put on your dangerous look. Tell him to put out his hand without screaming but with a very loud and angered shout, and hit him three times. Let him know that you have authority over him.

    Plus, it's a mistake you made by disobeying your mom. That wouldn't show responsibility to your brother.

    Show responsibility. Make your brother respect you.

    God Bless!



  4. waterboard him.

  5. he does that to anoy you, so don't care about it and just laugh, he'll definetly stop, cause it does'nt anoyoy you.

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