
Little bump on my water line on my eye?

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its really starting to bug me because when ever i blink it feels like there is somthing in my eye.

its like a little bump on my top waterline its eather clear or the same color as my skin i cant tell, what is it? how did i get it? and how do i make it go away?




  1.  I have 3 little tiny bumps on my waterline, it is an irritation to a cheap or bacterial makeup product. That is my guess, becuz i wore a new eyeliner today and i think that one is going into the trash! 🙈

  2.  It's usually a reaction to cheap/bad eye makeup that easily collects bacteria. Find out which one is causing it and throw it away! Switch out mascara every three months to prevent this. Clean your eye with warm water, a squirt of baby shampoo in it, and a cotton ball! Good luck

  3.  I have the same thing. I recently had a stye on my top eyelid and now, I have these three tiny bumps on my top waterline. Very strange. They don't hurt, but they are annoying because I can feel them whenever I blink..

    I have a feeling they might be from the new Makeup remover I just used recently. Hopefully they just go away.

    I don't think they are pimples or ever come to a white head.

  4. Ok so i get the same thing too...i dont think its a stye because ive seen them before and its almost nothing alike...i also think its just a simple pimple.. I usualy jus carefuly rub my clean nail over it and the irritation goes away instantly...i also nptuced that i didnt start getting them until i started wearing makeup..probably cheap eyeliner is the cause of it...also its very important not to share makeup with anyone because that is one way to get a stye

  5. it's not a stye, because what you're talking about, I have right now. you have a small pimple that not even waiting can get rid of.  I get them every once in a while, and you need to slowly pop it. Be careful it doesn't get into your eye because it may cause an infection. If you're becoming paranoid, I suggest you see a docto and they'll fix it up for you. don't do anything until you see a White head on it, othrwise you're just irritating it. good luck!!

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