
Little bumps around eyes???

by  |  earlier

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Ok not a real big deal but just wondering ... i have these little white bumps around my eyes mainly that look like zits .. but they arnt and they don't go away they have been on my face for a longtime .. even if i squeeze them they don't et bigger or smaller or dissapear... What are these little tiny zit looking things?




  1. i hav thos too...and i hav no idea its anoyin

  2. i have those! they are really close to my lower lash i]line i just ignore them, its nothing

  3. OMG you have eye HERPES

  4. They sound like milia... I had a few... tiny white bumps that look like zits, but ya can't squeeze em... They are just zits where the white stuff inside just hardened (gross, I know). If u go to a dermatologist, they can remove them for you!!! I did!

    Do they look like these? see pics on link below

  5. I used to have one of those by the corner of my eye.

    It was their for a really long time, but It's gone now.

    I think I had it for like 5 years or something.

    I have no idea what it is though man.

  6. It could be that u arent getting enough sleep, i sumtimes get little bumps under my eyes that arent zits.  ive heard that putting a cold spoon against ur skin under the eyes gets rid of the puffy look when u look tired, maybe it can help that... try it out.

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