
Little do my parents know, I'm not going to college I need serious advice!?

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I just got out of high school and everything. We were suppose to sign up for classes before they are all out. I did register for my classes but my parents didn't pay for it. We delayed so that I can match my class times with my sister so she would be able to take me cuz I cant drive yet, But I havent gotten my classes at all. I procrastinated and now there are NO CLASSES LEFT. My parents dont even know about this yet and school starts tomorrow! I dont want to go to school yet yet tho, I planned this from the start. I wanted to take one semester off so that I can get a job and get money. My mom said something about if I dont go...that something about the "insurance" and I have no idea what she meant. What do I do now? My parents would be furiouse, especially if my parents want me to go to school...Its too late to get classes. I can't drive. My parents think Im going to college but Im not...They might kick me out...




  1. If you are looking for sympathy or some plausible excuse you are out of luck. You stated that you "Planned" this, you also know how your parents would react, so what's the problem, you made a decision that has immediate consequences (tomorrow). You can try to deceive them and may get away with it for a few weeks, but of course that will only serve to infuriate them more. You definitely need to grow up and stop acting like a spoiled brat who wants his own way. The first step towards maturity is accepting responsibility for your actions, so go and tell your parents Exactly what you have done and accept their consequences. If you were my child and had done this you would have 2 weeks to find a job or Get out of the house, after 6 weeks of working I would then decide if you should remain at home or go and find your own would totally depend on you, your attitude and if I think you are making an honest effort to change. You want to have the privileges of an adult so now you can also accept all that being an adult entails.

  2. You've been given some seriously good advice already.  You're not going to be able to keep this a secret so you might as well come clean as advised.  I would tell them that the school was all booked up and that I will be going for a full time job.  I can't figure out what insurance has to do with anything where going to school is concerned unless she is referring to a college annuity or something.  From the sounds of things, if they don't boot you out they will likely expect you to pay some sort of rent towards your upkeep which would have otherwise been going to the college costs.  Working could open other doors of opportunity for you.  Many businesses of any size, especially government, have financial assistance programs in place that could help you with your college education and relieve your parents of some of the financial burdens that go along with putting kids through college.  In fact, that could be a point of persuasion for your parents to let you do your thing.  In the meantime, prepare to go to college.  The income betterment can make the difference between a successful life and barely making ends meet.  

  3. "insurance" = no health care for you!!!  You need to be in school to be on your parents health care plan at work.   You really need to grow up.

  4. Since you had the wit to plan this little "conspiracy" of yours, I am afraid now you have to have the guts to spill it out on them; I really doubt your sister will be able to help you keep up with a fabricated lie. One thing though, there is usually a way to "force add" classes if you talk to the professors so maybe you want to do that. Good luck!

  5. just explain....say u got an email today that none of the classes u registered for are available  

  6. first of all u should tell ur parents and deal with the consiquences.u're not a child any more,u have to take responsibility for ur actions.second of all,taking a semester off is a bad idea cuz u might get used to it and end up never going to college at all,and that's not a good plan for life.

    tell ur parents and they might be able to help u.or go to the registration office and tell them ur situation,say u couldnt register on time and ask if there's any classes u can take.even if they're easy classes,like olectives or something.but what ever u do dont take a semestr off,it's a bad idea.

    good l**k.

  7. Be honest with your parents. Explain the situation to them.  Tell them that you plan to work full-time and that you are not just going to be s******g around.  I quit school to join the military, my mom is cool with it, but my dad flipped.  Be Honest, and good luck.

  8. I find it hard to believe that every single possible class if full. I mean, really, there has gotta be SOME class that has a space!

    Sign up for ANYTHING and they can count towards your degree as electives. They may not be in the subject you intend to study, but they will still count for something in the end.

    If you don't have college, or can't prove you are attending college, then it looks like the only job you'll be able to get will be in the fast food industry at $4 an hour...Or something just as crappy. I bet after 30 seconds of working at McDonald's you'll wish you were in college chatting up cute girls and going out to parties with new friends.


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