
Little flying bugs resembling tiny moths eating the food in my cabinets?

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I need help!!! what are they??? They are not roaches.they are tiny and a little fuzzy like moths, and with wings. they seem to like stuff like flour and masa, or packaged noodles.and they just appeared out of nowhere! aaarrrgggghhhh!!!!




  1. sometimes the food in the grocery stores is contaminated with the moths already and that is probably how you got them in your house. Do you have birds, or put bird food in a feeder? Many people call them seed moths because they like the bird seed. I know when I worked at a pet store, sometimes the bird food was contaminated straight from the manufacturer. If you think it's bird food that it came from, you can freeze the food for 24 hours and that will kill any moths or larvae that are in the bag. If it's in your pasta and other stuff, get rid of the contaminated foods, or foods that you think might be contaminated and from now on, if you open something, put it in an air-tight tupperware container. This should at least reduce the risk of having them breeding in your cabinets. Good luck

  2. Yup, Sorry can't remember what they are called but you have to react quickly.  Soon you will find little white worms that are the larvae which become the moths.

    Take everything out of the cabinets and completely wipe them down top and bottom all the way back to the wall.  let dry.  Go through food stuff and throw anything tainted away outside.  From now on just seal things in fiplock bags and provide no food source for them.  They can be very persistant.

  3. Yes they are meal or flour moths.  Which means the larval stage is crawling around inside your bags of flour, masa, grits, corn meal and similar foods.  So you need to find them.  Get rid of the contaminated food.  Get new food and make sure you keep it in tightly sealed containers.

  4. At my house too. If you leave masala, dal or any other foodstuff for a long time, the eggs in them will hatch and the moths will come out. Even in air tight containers.

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