
Little help for a beginner surfer?

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A friend of mine took me out surfing the other day, and I enjoyed it enough to where I would like to get into it. I know what a shortboard is, but what is the difference between a fun board and a long board. I wasn't really into the short board he let me try. I would like to have something I can just go out on and have a good time and enjoy what the ocean has to offer. Any suggestions of something that is good but not too pricey? I'm in south Florida btw.




  1. O.k. I'm going to give u the pros and cons of both

    Longboard-a longboard would probably be best for u being a beginner and the types and heights of the waves in south florida because longboards can be ridden in even small choppy waves but they r often pricey

    Funboard- a fun board is also good because they arent completely short and can be ridden in a lot of types of surf so if u were planning on surfing there and maybe traveling somewhere else that has different waves this would be good to get, and they are often cheaper than longboards

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