
Little kids playing around in the store - should I have reported them?

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Today I was at Target and upon entrance, I saw two little girls (not more than 5 or 6) playing with the wheel chair shopping carts. The girls were not handicapped because they ran for a bit, then sat down on the wheelchair carts, put them in reverse, then forward and repeat the process. They would drive them within the little vicinity of the shopping cards, not bugging anyone but it annoyed me because these things are not meant to be played with. That and I couldn't stand hearing the little beep every 5 seconds while they threw the thing into reverse then forward. Then, they got off and got into wheelchairs and started spinning each other on them for fun. The parents were god knows where.

I wanted so bad to go up to these kids and tell them that these were not toys and shouldn't be playing with them, but I didn't know if it was my place or if I should have just told an employee. None of them were around the vicinity. What would you all have done.




  1. You should have reported them.

  2. Calmly explained to them that those are not toys, and that someone who might need them could come in, and wouldn't be able to use them. You could've also asked an employee to nicely explain that to them, to take them to the service desk, page their parents, and give the parents a stern talking to, telling them to watch their kids. They could've easily been kidnapped with no employees around and no supervision. Any stranger could have easily bribed them, and they would've gone quietly and happily.

  3. The most I would have done is brought it to the attention of the Customer Service Counter, and kept on going. At that point you were responsible (as in being a responsible adult). Don't want to be a wicked snitch. People will hate you and scheme to get back at you. But, bringing the situation to the attention of store personnel is not being a wicked snitch.  

  4. i would have said somthing to them. like "little boys and girls sometimes get lost when they stray away from their momies and dadies" *kids run away*

    nah shoulda just told the people up front

  5. i would have just ignored them its not ur bussines to go get them in trouble and they  r just little kids just like u were once

  6. you should have grabbed an employee or the security guard and asked for a manager

  7. Trouble with approaching kids on your own is #1, they just sass back and say "you're not my mother/father" or #2 you run the risk of having an irate parent accuse you of god-knows what. Nope, best to report it and leave it up to the store managers.

  8. just keep shopping

  9. Well the parents should have been watching their kids of course, but to be completely honest with you, the only people I have ever seen use those scooters are very large bottomed people who can't walk very well because they're too fat and are fat because they don't walk.

    Now I once saw two people, I'd say 500 pounds each walking around Disneyland. Kudos to them. I was impressed.

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