
Little kids!!!?

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I just found out that I was assigned to teach 2nd grade (special ed-mostly LD) next school year. Not what I was expecting but whatever. I'm over it now. I've never worked with children this young. What advice can you give me? Anything?




  1. Not what you was expecting but whatever !?!?!

    Are you a special ed teacher?

    What a poor attitude!!

    If you are a general ed teacher with LD kids in your class, by law these kids are suppose to have the help they need, that is spelled out in their IEP plan given to them IN the classroom.

    If needed, a special ed teacher is suppose to work with the LD child IN the reg ed class while the reg ed teacher is teaching the reg ed kids.

    So many times I hear that LD special ed kids are in reg ed classes with Reg ed teachers teaching them, they are getting NO help from special ed teachers, they are not getting the help that they need that is written in the IEP plan.

    All of this is illegal.

    Make sure that whatever is in the childs IEP plan is being done, and if it's not working, let the parent know so an IEP meeting can be held to change the childs IEP plan to something that WILL help the child.

  2. What a great assignment.  They are young.  They have already had an introduction to curriculum and school life.

    Start with their IEP goals and the state standards.  Confer with their general ed teachers about how you can work together.  Weave the students personal interests in to the activities.  Have them work toward related incentives.  Enjoy!
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