
Little league world series question???

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i'm watching the little league world series and they compare the speed of their fastball to that of a major league player. someone just threw 65 and it came out to 85 major league speed how do they do that. don't say they just add 20 because some kid just threw 60 and it came out to 78.




  1. its all about proportions. they know what the mlb distance is from the mound to home and they know the same in little league. then they just use proportions to figure out the mlb speed.

  2. They don't know either, their just making it up.

  3. Little League pitches 60 ft from home plate.

    MLB or 13 yrs and older leagues pitch from 90 ft.

    What they are judging is the time it takes the pitch to reach the plate.

    A Little League pitch at 65 mph will take the same amount of time to get to the plate as a big league pitch from 90 ft. at 85 mph.

  4. Joe you better go back to cycling,because no major league mound is 90 ft from home-plate it's 60'6'' they use basic algerbra to figure it out.  

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