
Little pain n bleeding down below???

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Im 20yrs old and for the past few days had a little of what feels like period pains, altho im not on my period or due on! it was a little painful when tryin to pass urine and poo. I have been on antibiotics which made me poo more so wondered if that could have anything to do with it!...but today pain has gone a little but there was a little bit of blood stain, could this be serious or could it be cause ive gone so much over the past few days? thanx x




  1. please get to the hospital right away,or call your family doctor, could be some thing serious ,your never know ,

  2. I am a CCMA

    If the blood came from the anal area it could be from stressing to p**p. You may also have a fissure or hemorrhoid..

    If it is from the vaginal area it could be an infection or your period because you can have 2 in a month and you can start early or late.. That is a part of being a female.. You will skip them, Start early, Start late due to hormonal fluctuation

    You may also have something called PCOS which will cause these symptoms as well and you should see your GYNO

  3. that could really be serious when passing blood in your urine my niebor the same thing happen to her and she been in the hospital for five days and had to get a operation better go and see a doc

  4. passing little blood in your urine is more than likely a urine infection and your also feeling pain i no alot about urine infections as my daughter kept getting them for over a year and if left untreated you could end up with scarring on your kidneys go 2 your doctor and get some anti-biotics for it if it keeps coming back your doctor should offer you 2 different anti-biotics  my daughter took 1 kind one week and switched to the other kind for a week she kept taking the both bottles til they were finished and she has not had a infection every since the reason for taken 2 different anti-biotics is so that your body doesnt come immune to one of them thats why it works by switching them each week

    im not a doctor but im just giving you advice on my daughters situation

    best of luck  

  5. It could well just be that. It might be worth checking with your doctor in case though if it persists.

  6. Antibiotics make many people have loose bowels or diarrhoea, which could well cause some lower abdominal pain. The speck of blood on the tissue almost certainly came from your back passage and is the result of the diarrhoea. Please don't worry, your symptoms don't sound at all serious. Obviously if they get worse or you start to lose more blood, you would have to think again, but as things stand, there's nothing to worry about.

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