
Little red light in a 2000 Dodge Caravan?

by  |  earlier

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The place where I work, we have a 2000 Dodge Caravan that we make deliveries in. It hasn't been starting lately. There is a little red light on the dash, to the left of the steering wheel, it is staying on consistently,

and none of us know what this light is for. We don't have an owner's manuel, or I'd look it up. This is driving us crazy! Does anyone know, what that little red light is for?




  1. If it does not have any letters or distinct characters in it,  it maybe the lift gate light which is warning that the lift gate is open.  It looks like a small back of the van with the rear hatch open.  If you think that is it try slamming the hatch closed if not it may the switch on rear hatch is bad. The rear hatch has a switch that illuminates the light when the hatch is open

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