
Little red splotches after shaving?

by Guest65228  |  earlier

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i just shaved my legs with a razor and some gel i always use. the razor was new so i no it was sharpe n ever since i done them they are stinging bad and lots of little red spots have come up on my legs, they rele sting and i dont no wot to do?





  1. Your writing is atrocious, with no respect for punctuation, capital letters or syntax. It therefore makes you look stupid, so you don't deserve a proper answer.

  2. You may have razor burn.

    May be treated with:

    Hydrocortisone Cream

    Also it's important to put lotion on your legs after you shave to restore moisture.

    Also make sure that your shaving cream has some sort of aloe in the cream to help protect your legs.

  3. you don't know how to shave so next timecontact a beauty parlour

  4. moisturise and next time take more time, you may have been rough

    try diff things and ask friends what they use

    take care

  5. i get that sometimes,running your legs under cold water helps with the stinging.

  6. put some anti sting cream on it. i dunno?

  7. Just use savlon or some other antiseptic cream to soothe them and make sure you don't get infected as you have broken the skin.  Don't shave for a day or two now to give the razor burn time to heal or you will only end up going over them and getting the same thing again.

  8. are you sure it was shaving gel.. it may have been hair removal cream... if left on for more than the recomended period of time will cause irritaion that you describe :)

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