
Little things to do throughout day to help with weight loss & how bout yoga?

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If anyone has any tips or tricks to help me lose weight I would be grateful. I'm 21 and I'm just a little overweight but I can't stand it anymore. I want it off and A.S.A.P. so I'm going to eat less and exercise more but I want to go all out. Anything else I can do? Any websites with some good ideas on em? And if anyone knows a good yoga site let me know...was thinking about trying that. Thanks




  1. Three steps that have really helped me are dieting, exercising, and the correct weight loss supplement for losing weight. Focus on those three things and you will lose weight considerably. I exercise 30 mins a day along with taking Proactol, a natural weight loss supplement that I saved money on at

    Good luck and stay focused = )

  2. Eliminate junk calories.  You may be a carb addict and have insulin resistance.  I was and it was brutal just kicking the habit.  If you want to lose weight fast, consider the South Beach Diet.  The first two weeks is brutal, but works.

  3. Yoga is one of the best ways for weight loss, get in shape and tone up your entire body.

    Try this nice free yoga e-course:


  4. It's good to address your weight problem before it gets too big, cause the longer you leave it the harder it gets and the longer it takes, so good on you.  Have a look at the link below for some sensible advice

  5. Don't snack during day, just drink water and eat fruit or nuts and berries. Eating celery actually helps you lose weight because your body is caused to burn calories by digesting it. Exercise hard 3 times a week. Cut out unnecessary fat-food. It's easy. Just eat well and exercise. Make sure bbreakfastis HEALTHY in eevery way Same with lunch. No dessert!  

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