
Little tiny bugs.. they

by  |  earlier

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In the windown of my bedroom, and my living room, I've noticed these tan lookin or orange bug, whatever it is, is annoying, they bite, i believe they fly, i ill them and try to observe them, but they are so tiny that , i can't get a glimpse of it, i am worred, i have a 2 year old, and i don't let him sit on the sofa in my living room, because when the fan is of the window, they fly and get on the skin.. literaly, help, i've been doing alot of reading and nothing, please help,

" small, tiny, tan, or orangy, they sting, bite, please thank ou for taking the time to read this, and mabe answer,




  1. Is it the No-See-Um bug? Here is a link:

  2. There are a number of bugs that are so small that they are called no-see-ums.  Most are midges and they do bite.  If you lay in the grass outside and the bite is similar, it is likely a no-see-ums.  You could not identify them without a dissecting microscope.  You need to stop them from coming into the house. Put a screen in the window with the fan.  If they are getting through a screen get a smaller mesh.  Without massive insecticide applications outside you can not get rid of them and they would come back later.  Depending on where you live, local names could be No-see-ums, punkies or sand fleas.  Like mosquitoes they need moisture or water in their life cycle.  If you reduce areas that stay constantly wet such as mud at the edge of water, leaves that never dry out and tree holes that capture moisture you may reduce the population in your neighborhood.

  3. You have fleas.

    Those things suck!

  4. I'm not good with bugs, but this site has a lot of pictures, so maybe it will help you identify them.

  5. You have a case of bed bugs. They tend to be tiny and orangy and they bite. You should used methods like using essential oils added with juniper oil, eucalyptus oil, ylang ylang oil, rosemary oil and tea tree oil to keep them from bitting. To prevent future infestations spray them with rubbing alchol to stop them from breeding more of its kind. Hope this help.

  6. These are good bug guides -

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