
Little voice.................?

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Little Voice

A man was mowing his lawn when he heard his neighbor, who happened to be a blonde, come out of her house. She opened her mailbox, looked inside and slammed it shut. She stomped her foot and went back inside. The man thought ''how weird.''

A few minutes passed and sure enough, the blonde came out of her house again, checked her mail box, stamped her foot and went back inside. The man stopped mowing and checked her mailbox to see what was so wrong with it. After seeing nothing, he went back to mowing just shrugging his shoulders.

As soon as he heard her coming out again, he shut off his mowing machine and went up to her. ''What in the world are you doing, coming out here every five minutes?''

The blonde looked up at the man and said, ''Well, you see, there's this little voice in my house that keeps on saying, 'You've got mail,' but when I come out here to check, I don't have any.''




  1. funny

  2. No No No it's "my computer is telling me "you've got mail" but when I come out here to check, I don't have any.''  

  3. haha :)

  4. HAHAHA...good one!

  5. lol thanks i like read jokes that are new to me

  6. I don't get it and blondes ARE NOT dumb! One of my frirneds is blonde hair and blue eyes, he is top in Maths.

  7. ha lol funny here's one

    a blond has taken her car to a mechanic bcz it had dint in it but the mechanic can't be bothered so he tells her to go home and blow into the exhaust pipe  so when she gets home she starts doing this when her neighbor , who is also a blond comes, out and said "what the h**l are you doing" "blowing in the exhaust pipe to get the dints out" "are you dumb or what" the other blond said" "you need to roll the window up first"

  8. i have heard this one before!!!

  9. haha. i love dumb blonde jokes. even though a lotta my friends r blonde.

  10. ha ha ha h~~!!!!!!!!!!

    how annoying poor blonde~~!!!!!! that was a classic~~!!!!!  

  11. aol

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