
Liu Xiang at the Beijing Olympics 2008...?

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I can't believe Liu Xiang couldn't run today. How do you people feel about his injury of his foot? Give me your opinions please.




  1. Poor him, i wish him the best of luck during his recovery. He's been an amazing hurdler!!

    however its controversial because many ppl are in doubt. this is like a coincidence.

  2. he was just afraid of losing, i personally believer thats a loser

  3. I was devasted. I hope his foot gets better

  4. disapointment.  now he has to wait another 4 years.

  5. First of all don't beleive what the US/English media is reporting, it is not a hamstring injury, but a more serious achilles tendon injury.  Perhaps tendonitis, but that's not confirmed.  It's on his right foot, which is the one he uses to blast off, so it's crucial.  I believe his coach confirmed that he won't be taking part in any more events this year, but maybe he can attend the next World event in Europe.  Either way it's disappointing, I think Robles has the gold definitely, when i saw him run his heat, his mouth was closed at the end, didn't even break a sweat or heave any air.

  6. It's a shame he had that injury (achilles tendon injury I believe).

    It would've been interesting to see an East Asian in the track and field race. :D

  7. Wow.  The most devastating blow of the Olympic Games.

    No question.

    I'm Chinese-American, and so I'm biased towards China, but the Olympic Games are in Beijing, so when the crowd roars, it's because a Chinese has won gold.  When China wins a gold medal, 1.3 billion people roar in approval of the win.  When China misses out, 1.3 billion people groan in frustration.

    And tonight's groan was an absolute groan of disbelief.  Coming up to the Olympics, this was the event that was so hyped up by everyone, and for good reason, as Liu Xiang was the 2nd most favored to win the 110m hurdles.  What happened tonight was unthinkable, for the biggest dream for the Beijing crowd to end before it even started.  An indescribable sinking feeling throughout all of China.

    To any ignorant fool who is laughing and calling China cheaters and telling them they deserve it, I hope you fall down a ditch and break your legs.  Liu Xiang has a great personality, and has tried to keep as low of a profile as possible in addition to donating 2.5 million RMB to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.  He is enrolled in a university, showing by example that education comes first.

    Don't be arrogant and make Americans look bad.  You wouldn't be laughing if the Olympics had been held in the U.S. and Michael Phelps had gotten injured in the preliminaries of his first race.  What happened tonight was not Liu Xiang's fault, and unfortunately for him and the rest of China, they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives.  I hope he recovers and wins in London 2012.

    EDIT: This is a coincidence.  Check my source, he was injured a couple of months ago.

  8. Couldn't have been worse timing.  Any other competition but this one.  I think he knew he was going to do very poorly cos of his tendon.  so it's not worth it to race if 1. you're going to lose 2. your tendon will be damaged and you will lose.

    I'm sad though, I've scheduled my social life this week around the men's hurdles so I could watch it.  :(

    I just wonder why this was something that couldn't have been prevented in the run-up to the Big Games? This is a once in a moment lifetime. I doon't blame him but his coach and therapist should've taken more preventive measures?

  9. It sucks, I heard a lot about this guy and I really wanted to see him run and defend his gold medal.

  10. I have never felt so bad for an athlete...he had the hopes of 1.3 billion people on his shoulders...that's enough to crush anyone, and then being injured on top of  the emotional pressure...I can't even imagine...

    I'm pretty sure his handlers have been lying about his recovery, because there is no way you just jump over 2 practice hurdles and double over in pain like that.  He looked terrible before the race, so right then I knew something had to be really wrong because he always looks so calm and collected.

    I really hope he can make a quick recovery, both physically and emotionally.  I've always enjoyed watching his races because he is amazing and has a great personality.  He seems really down to earth despite being such a super star here in China.

  11. I wish he would've been able to defend his medal.

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