
Live aquarium plant set up.

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I have a 50 gal tank, 130 watts of 6700k compact lighting and co2. Should this system be ok for all types of live plants?




  1. This setup is good for most any type of plant.   6700K is good for plant growth and  2.6 watts per gallon from compact florescent bulbs is plenty for even bright light plants.   Some locations may have watts per gallon recommendation,  This is for regular florescent bulbs and isn't going to be accurate for your PC bulbs because they put off more  useful light per watt than a regular florescent  

  2. 6,700K is perfect for plant growth, Your getting around 2.5 watts per gallon with this setup, That sounds great!

    You couldnt get anymore perfect than that.

    Now where did you get it, lol I need one for mine only I have a 29 gallon.

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