
Live by grandchildren? ?

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After my daughter in law left my son, she moved quite far away. Our grandchildren are just starting K and 1st grade....they've asked if we could move by them.... I would like so much to do that and see their activities etc. etc. Is that a wrong decision?




  1. No one can tell you what you should do cause onlyy you know all of the situation, not us.  It would be nice to be around your grandchildren, as I have 2.  Mine r only 45 min. away.  Just dont let the parent use you all the time.  You need your space too.  Be able to say no if they continue to use you as a sitter etc.

  2. According to me ; yes its a wrong decision ; because if your daughter in law had wanted you to see the children ; she would have not move so far away ; the danger in moving only for the children is this one ;; Let say in 6 moths after you had settle down to her new place ; Mrs decide to move again a couple of hundred miles away ; if not a couple of thousand Miles away ;; Are you going to move again ; just to see your grand kids ; think twice before taking such a serious decision ;;;; Mother of 5 grown up and grand mother  

  3. If you're able to move then why not. Unless you've got a horribly rocky relationship with your ex- daughter in law. But children can only benefit by having extended families, especially grandparents. Good luck with whatever you do.

  4. I personally don't see where that is betraying your son in any way.

    You want to be close to your grandchildren.  I could not live anywhere but close to them so I could enjoy them growing up ...and we are very involved in our grandchildren's lives.

    My grandparents were very important to me and if I can give only 1/4 of what my grandparents gave to grandchildren would have been very blessed.

    It is up to you to where you want to be.  You  could be a very important role model for your grandchildren as long as you can keep the relationships straight and not  interfere with mom's raising her children!  You have to realize that grandparents have their place in life....and it can be very important as long as you enjoy the grandchildren and love them and be in their lives without causing problems with mom and her rights as a mother.

    Since they want you there....and you want to be there...enjoy it.  It is great you have a good relationship with her.

    I don't know why she moved so far away...maybe it was job or maybe she just needed space..or she is closer to her family...but in any case...she asked you and you are lucky to have a daughter in law that wants you to have time with the children.  So many ex's try to keep grandparents out of the picture.

  5. if you were able to help them out and they could help you out then why not, you would be able to see them more.

  6. no. if u want to be with ur grandchildren and they want you to be there as well then go for it :) they love u and they are showing that by asking u to be a part of their lives...dont think to hard about it just do it. :) xoxo good luck.

  7. Do you get along with their mom? If so then go ahead sounds great to me!

  8. Who asked you... your grandkids or their mother?  If you don't get along with her then moving to be near the kids sounds like a bad idea.  You should also consider your son's opinion on you moving.  In general, I do think it's cool when grandparents can live near their grandchildren and be involved in their lives.  However you have to make sure you are moving into a good situation.  You also need to consider your quality of life in the new place... do you or your spouse work?  Will there be churches or something in the area for you to develop your life apart from family.  (You probably don't want to be totally socially dependent on family.)

    Good luck making your decision!

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